Yeah me and Easy are off out tonight. I'm a little tired of the way we try to outdo each other, so i'm just going to nibble on a vegan steak and listen to what he has to say. If he warns me of my afters, i'll kick him under the table, but anticipate a very warm and bedding night.
I'll be having a nervous breakdown this weekend. The MIL is coming to stay and interfere with my family and poke and prod and pick up the new baby every ten minutes. Happy, happy, joy, joy.
And on Sunday everyone is off to the football leaving me with the MIL and baby alone. *sigh*
in bed by 9:30, didnt get in until 5:30am, after going to the opening of a new club in Luton [shite hole] and i have to be up at 5:30am tommorow for work, boo
Couple of pints after work, then back to the happening town of Haywards Heath. Not sure what I'll do then as I have no-one to drink beer with tonight. I shall probably play Street Fighter 2, with some liquid sustenance from the offy.