I am just finishing a Masters in Computer Science at Bath Uni.
Have developed mostly software skills.
Can anyone recommend areas of IT that they know or believe to be rewarding/interesting, or any companies they know are good to work for?
I "sell" IT contractors, including developers. My advice - get yourself into "Agile" methods, Extreme Programming, Scrum, DSDM, Lean - that sort of thing, and hone your Java and/or .net skills to deliver high quality test-driven code.
No forward thinking company is interested in SSADSM and even Prince2 seems to have had its day or perhaps there are just already too-many Prince2 Practioners around already - go Agile. The great thing is that it works (when done properly).
As for good companies to work for/thru try Connections in Wokingham, as in www.connectionsrecruit.co.uk