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[Albion] Hypothetically- how would you react to Bruno coming back?

Where are you on Bruno, if he were to come back to the Albion?

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Papa Lazarou

Living in a De Zerbi wonderland
Jul 7, 2003
IF, if Bruno were to come back to the Albion, what would you're view be?

Paulie Gualtieri

Bada Bing
NSC Patron
May 8, 2018
Don’t see it being an issue personally but I think it’s fair to say a statement both from club and Bruno on the matter would be expected from a portion of the fanbase


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2010
I'd welcome him back because I'm not a 4-year-old. He had what he thought was a great opportunity to further his career and get a massive pay bump and took it. His farewell message was pretty heartfelt so far as you can tell.

The biggest problem he has is that we don't have anything for him at the moment, so it's a moot point

Is it PotG?

Thrifty non-licker
Feb 20, 2017
Sussex by the Sea


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
I feel more bitter about how he treated us than I do towards Potter. Bruno was a club legend, we was also on the interim succession plan should Potter leave, something Barber referenced on a podcast.

As a result he would have known when he left us how much he was shafting us which makes what he did so unacceptable. He could have hung around until a new manager was in place and then gone to Chelsea at a slightly later date

I don’t want him back at our club under any circumstances.


You can change this
Helpful Moderator
Jul 4, 2003
Back in Sussex
I'm not sure any of us could say whether he needs to apologise to Tony Bloom or not, but my hunch is that there would be absolutely no animosity there at all.

Bruno left because he had his own managerial ambitions, and felt his career would be best-enhanced by following Potter and continuing to learn from him. Hindsight may suggest that didn't work out, but that's why hindsight is so wonderful to have the benefit of.

I don't doubt he would have had a job at the Albion had he stayed, but would it be a job he wanted? An incoming manager, arriving with his own coaching team, may not want a senior first-team coach imposed upon him. Alternatively, maybe he would have been happy to have that bridge to the players he inherited.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2011
Sussex By The Sea
He's a legend imo though somewhat tarnished but he loved the club, still lives here and said he only left because he wasn't sure there would be a job for him here.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2011
I feel more bitter about how he treated us than I do towards Potter. Bruno was a club legend, we was also on the interim succession plan should Potter leave, something Barber referenced on a podcast.

As a result he would have known when he left us how much he was shafting us which makes what he did so unacceptable. He could have hung around until a new manager was in place and then gone to Chelsea at a slightly later date

I don’t want him back at our club under any circumstances.
Absolutely 100% THIS



Well-known member
Jan 30, 2004
I feel more bitter about how he treated us than I do towards Potter. Bruno was a club legend, we was also on the interim succession plan should Potter leave, something Barber referenced on a podcast.

As a result he would have known when he left us how much he was shafting us which makes what he did so unacceptable. He could have hung around until a new manager was in place and then gone to Chelsea at a slightly later date

I don’t want him back at our club under any circumstances.
This with bells on! The only person who could ever persuade me otherwise would be RDZ himself. And realistically why would RDZ want him?


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
I realise I am in the minority here but I just think Bruno made a very, VERY bad decision to join Chelsea. A decision that he will regret for the rest of his life because - unlike all of the other turncoats - he was the ONLY legend being asked to jump ship so had the most to lose in the eyes of the fans.

For Potter, Hamburg, Reid etc the Chelsea move boils down to "That's football, it is what it is." Not for Bruno though. Nobody could have known Chelsea would have turned out to be as bad - or as toxic - as this.

I think it is easy to underestimate Bruno's influence on our football club during the first decade at the Amex in terms of style, professionalism, aspiration and specifically helping Lewis Dunk become the player and captain he is.

I'm not sure I'd want him back any time soon as the club have moved on, but I'd like to think one day he will be welcomed at The Amex once again.

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