It is costing us billions, but I see this coming from 6 months in of the Covid bollocks. Call me a conspiracy theorists if you like but people were on the streets objecting against this tory rule but we were right wing conspiracy theorists(even though groups like ANTifa were there) , while the majority sat at home and believed all the shit that was fed to them on the 6 o'clock Bungle Show by someone who is a liar!I don’t want a row either, I see the two things, Covid and the scrapping of the human rights bill, as largely two separate things.
Funnily enough, both show the Tory’s up as opportunistic arse-holes;
They saw covid as an opportunity to boost the elite’s fortunes. Shovelling money into their mates’ businesses and personal accounts. And of course their own accounts.
Brexit was clumsily put on the table to save Cameron’s bacon. Boris and his cronies saw it as an opportunity to deregulate the U.K. and enable them to act exactly how they wish with total impunity. They jumped on it. No doubt in order to shovel yet more billions into their accounts.
It’s a shit-show. And it’s costing us billions.