Meade's Ball
Well-known member
I found the live report of it on BBC Breakfast all rather amusing. The reporter made out that the heavens had opened and a shower of diamonds had gently fallen on the misbegotten city without friends and a plague of melifluous, Jeff-Buckley-voiced locusts arrived in the district with stardust on their wingtips and too full a stomach to gorge. The people behind were celebrating profusely, all of them bearded or balding men who looked like they'd each won the prize of Britain's Biggest Schlong, swirling it around to impress. Rejoicement encaked them all, and it was nice, although slightly strange. Saying that, maybe footage of me celebrating the birth of a cycloptic snail would be equally odd to witness, so we all have our moments that in euphoria we mightn't want everyone to see.