Chelsea have bought themselves out of the adidas kit deal two years early at a cost of about £60 million and signed with Nike.
I take it that's more likely to be Nike have bought Chelsea early out of their deal with Adidas.
Chelsea have bought themselves out of the adidas kit deal two years early at a cost of about £60 million and signed with Nike.
A good Marketing Director would do one of two things. Either buy themselves out of it or to use it as leverage to increase the deal or to have it extended at a higher rate
but we arent the sort of name thats going to get £300m in a year. maybe for a many year deal that sort of money might be available.
I was meaning 300K for everything in total, the TV deal, the new sponsorships, the invites to play out in say Hong Kong or China for a game or two things like that
We've already done the Hong Kong GIGS