How do you pronouce Falmer?
Fal - mer A as in Dad, MER as in warmer
Phelma Fel and MA as in Ma (Mother)
Falma A as in Dad and MA as in Ma (Mother)
Fowma Fow (as in a fowl pond) and Ma (like a cat being strangled). Sussex accent.
Fell-ma Fell (as in just fallen down the stairs) and Ma (As in MAFF, with disdain)
This is the problem
How do you pronouce Falmer?
Fal - mer A as in Dad, MER as in warmer
Phelma Fel and MA as in Ma (Mother)
Falma A as in Dad and MA as in Ma (Mother)
Fowma Fow (as in a fowl pond) and Ma (like a cat being strangled). Sussex accent.
Fell-ma Fell (as in just fallen down the stairs) and Ma (As in MAFF, with disdain)
This is the problem