Just been for a walk near the Amex, wanted a nice photo of the Amex for our Kitchen.
Thought it came out well and thought I'd share!
View attachment 44576
Possibly the nicest ground location?
What camera did you use?
yes, that's better.
How many exposures did you make, and how many stops between each exposure, and what software did you use to blend them.
It is a stunning picture but what is HDR?
It is a stunning picture but what is HDR?
Was lazy and just used bracketing on the camera. Three exposures; f14 ISO 200 @ 1/1250,1/250 & 1/50
Just used Photoshop Merge to Pro HD tool.
Might have to get out and try more!
You take multiple (three here) photos with different "brightnesses". So for this photos one too bright so the poppies look nice but the sky is too bright, one about right and one too dark so the sky and sun look good but everything else is too dark.
Using a program (photoshop here) it merges the three images and allows you to choose which brightness levels you want from each images giving you a "perfect" image.
HDRs of people look nuts - HDR Portraits