Well perhaps he has since learnt something that was out of his usual skill set, and hopeful it was from my direct feedback.
But I saw something very different 5 years ago.
I hope he did get something from it, maybe he is still composing his thank you email?
I think you know what I am talking about.
Mod in trying to wind Mouldy boots up, what a shocker.
What makes a good moderator?
A great moderator utilizes language that is straight without being confrontational, and crystal clear without being biased.
I shall be putting my CV next time mod towers has an available spot.
I would posit that my post fulfilled all of your criteria: straight, non-confrontational, crystal clear, and not biased.
Whereas your post that mine was replying to failed criteria 1, 3, and 4.
You’ll no doubt disagree, as is your right.