Lord Bracknell
On fire
FIFTY New Falmer Banners at Cardiff - FFA need YOUR help
The Falmer for All team are arranging for around 50 new banners to be made with appropriately worded messages about Falmer. Superphil is making them. What a star!
Paul Samrah is making the necessary arrangements with the Stadium. Another star!
Assuming this can go ahead, Paul is asking for people seated in each of the Upper & Middle sections to volunteer to collect a banner - from Henfield.
Anyone who can help, please email Paul at paul@samrah.freeserve.co.uk
The idea is that the banners are strung along the two hand rails -which are at the front of the Upper Section & at the front of the Middle Section. There is no rail in the the Lower sections.
We therefore need someone from EVERY BLOCK IN THE UPPER AND MIDDLE TIERS to volunteer to collect a banner from Henfield (or from someone who can get to Henfield) and then transport the thing to Cardiff, fix it on the handrail at the front of the block they are sitting in, and then bring it home at the end of the game.
To keep track of how these arrangements are going, please post a brief message on this thread (identifying the Block you are sitting in), once you have decided that YOU can contribute personally to getting this plan sorted.
I will collate the responses as the next few days pass, so that we can keep tabs on how much stadium coverage we have.
The Falmer for All team are arranging for around 50 new banners to be made with appropriately worded messages about Falmer. Superphil is making them. What a star!
Paul Samrah is making the necessary arrangements with the Stadium. Another star!
Assuming this can go ahead, Paul is asking for people seated in each of the Upper & Middle sections to volunteer to collect a banner - from Henfield.
Anyone who can help, please email Paul at paul@samrah.freeserve.co.uk
The idea is that the banners are strung along the two hand rails -which are at the front of the Upper Section & at the front of the Middle Section. There is no rail in the the Lower sections.
We therefore need someone from EVERY BLOCK IN THE UPPER AND MIDDLE TIERS to volunteer to collect a banner from Henfield (or from someone who can get to Henfield) and then transport the thing to Cardiff, fix it on the handrail at the front of the block they are sitting in, and then bring it home at the end of the game.
To keep track of how these arrangements are going, please post a brief message on this thread (identifying the Block you are sitting in), once you have decided that YOU can contribute personally to getting this plan sorted.
I will collate the responses as the next few days pass, so that we can keep tabs on how much stadium coverage we have.