Isn't it ?
I cant believe a thread about BROCCOLI has gone to 8 pages ...
Purple Sprouting BROCCOLI is not in fact BROCCOLI at all.
thats because BROCCOLI, like all vegetables should be STEAMED rather than cookedIf cooked wrong, BROCCOLI has no flavour or good tast.
Here in Denmark BROCCOLI is actually called BROCCOLI and even looks the same as in England. It used to be called Asparaguscabbage (Aspargeskål) until the Prime Minister decided that it didn't look like aspargus or cabbage at all.
There is no word in English that rhymes with BROCCOLI.
In our house we call BROCCOLI trees.
Sailors when approaching COCKERMOUTH in CUMBRIA, hail, COCKALEE when it's in sight, which rymes with BROCCOLI.
Cockoli. there told ya.
I drove past your house yesterday Lord B.
There were lots of CONES everywhere. Cones do not look like BROCCOLI. Neither can you make a cheese BAKE with them. Unlike BROCCOLI.