Other than the boring stuff about drinking less, or interspersing alcoholic ones with non-alcoholic ones? No.
Best advice I can think of is to have a bottle or two of some sort of isotonic drink, like Lucozade Sport, on the side for when you get in after a session. Alcohol dehydrates you, and I believe reduces your salt levels accordingly (hence headaches, cramp and so on). Drinking a load of plain water when you get in won't necessarily resolve this, as it merely dilutes your salt levels further. I try and knock back one of said bottles of isotonic stuff after a few drinks, as they're designed to replenish lost salt and STUFF. Works for me
Life is cruel though. I think it was when I got to about thirty five that I noticed hangovers were suddenly becoming more painful. Painful enough to make me change drinking habits considerably.
This indeed, I'm 46 and if I go out and have a heavy one it takes upto three days for me to completely recover, I've also noticed a distinct lack of chundering as I've got older in fact I can't remember when I was last up chucked as a result of a session!