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Draft letter examples to Prescott for those that need them.

Jul 24, 2003
Newbury, Berkshire.
My own effort :

Mr John Prescott,
Deputy Prime Minister,
26 Whitehall,

February 6th 2004

With reference to:

Dear Mr Prescott,

I am writing to urge you to employ your oversight powers on the above report, in order to redress the omissions and flaws in the sections pertaining to the proposed community stadium at Falmer. The inspector’s conclusions defy common sense. Indeed they appear totally dependent on his own subjective opinion, and are ignorant of THE FACTS.

The inspector’s report cuts across and ultimately trivialises the very serious and deliberate planning process that has been under way in the City for some while now on the community stadium proposal.

This planning process has been a fair and open one, allowing all to contribute in the true democratic spirit of local accountability, consultation and decision-making. Most importantly, it recognised the various available sites, and used a logical sequential analysis to determine that the best location for such a Stadium is at Falmer.

However, the inspector totally ignores this process, and cites less suitable sites as being more appropriate. There is NO SUPPORTING ARGUMENT within the report to uphold this conclusion. There has been a long and deliberate enquiry by one of your department’s inspectors into the merits of the scheme, where all interested parties could make their case and submit evidence in a fair and equitable manner. I do not see how such an inquiry can recommend unsuitable sites, such as Sheepcote Valley, or Toads Hole Valley, where transport and infrastructure requirements are at present, totally unsuitable for a development of this kind.

The thousands of hours of work that has gone into this process by a huge number of planning professionals and the many thousands of residents in Sussex now appears to be threatened by the very partial and ill-considered conclusions of Mr Hoile.

I would urge you to place as much weight on the conclusions of his report as the amount of work done in reaching them, which from the tone of the report, appear to be little more than Mr Hoile’s own personal opinion.

My own personal opinion, as someone born and bred in Mid-Sussex and Brighton & Hove, is that Mr Hoile has not taken the requisite level of care and diligence in the preparation of his report, and that it cannot be considered a useful document.

The slipshod conclusions can be seen clearly in the nonsensical proposals for alternative sites for the community stadium. Mr Hoile lists those at Brighton station, which would be too small and blight the city centre with congestion, and Sheepcote Valley, which is already well used for community leisure purposes but does not have the public transport infrastructure to cope with stadium use. His other proposals are as equally risible: Withdean would require huge redevelopment work that would have a serious impact on the local community and Brighton’s railway line; and Toad’s Hole Valley would have a disastrous impact on local wildlife as well as being totally unsuitable for public transport. The shortcomings of these alternatives have all been widely publicised in independent consultants’ reports that Mr Hoile has bizarrely chosen to disregard.

The inspector has also chosen to ignore the huge weight of evidence showing the crucial importance of the new community stadium and the prosperity of Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club to the local economic, social and educational wealth of the County. The facility would be used by an enormous catchment area south of the M25, stretching to the Sussex borders.

The renewed vitality that the community stadium would give to the social and leisure scene in Sussex, the considerable economic boost to a locality in need of jobs, the boost in prosperity, and the additional opportunities it would give for education and skills training, all policies supported by your government, must be given due consideration.

As someone who has spent many years of his life living in close proximity to the South Downs, I am supportive of the national park proposals. However I cannot support any argument whereby the status of the South Downs is protected at the expense of providing local communities with the kind of world class facilities available in the rest of the country.

The Stadium site proposed covers a mere 25 acres. This is an almost minuscule percentage of the total amount of land being considered for the proposed national park. How anyone can say that this will have a significant impact on the South Downs is beyond belief. The proposed national park covers 983 square kilometres. The Falmer proposal takes up one ten thousandth of this ( 0.01 % )! In my book, that’s pretty much negligible!

I spent many years playing school’s sport on the fields at Sheepcote Valley. The only means of getting there was by bus. There is no nearby railway station, and no provision for large numbers of private car users, neither within the road network, nor for parking purposes. Next to our school field were a caravan site and a rubbish tip. Playing fields built upon this tip have been difficult to maintain, and in reality, any development of the site would not only mean the loss of these playing fields, but also costly and lengthy land decontamination prior to it’s use for building purposes.

Toads Hole Valley is currently the subject of a campaign to have it included within the proposed South Downs National Park. Any proposed development on that site will be detrimental, and I consider Toads Hole Valley to be of greater environmental significance, and more ‘ beautiful ‘ ( if that is what is required to define a AONB ) than Falmer.

Brighton Station car park is unsuitable. In acreage terms a stadium may appear viable, but the site, being a long, thin strip of land, is the wrong shape! It will also eliminate the Station Car Park. Where will commuters, using the station, park their cars? I’ll tell you where, on local side roads, creating traffic chaos!

The Falmer site has been chosen by Brighton and Hove residents because independent consultants have demonstrated that it offers the best public transport links for a sustainable scheme of moving large numbers of stadium users with the minimum environmental impact. The proposal has attracted all-party support from local councillors and MPs because the impact on land close to the A27 and the university developments is seen to be minimal when compared to the huge advantages it will bring to the social and economic life of the community. Indeed, the University of Brighton has been persuaded that the Stadium development brings with it, an opportunity to update and renew the infrastructure of their Falmer Campus. Such renewal would not take place if the Stadium were sited elsewhere.

The Taylor report commissioned by government many years ago placed a responsibility on local planning agencies to respond sensitively to the need for new community sporting Stadia to replace inadequate and outdated facilities.

The many tens of thousands of people in Sussex, who voted in the ballot box, and signed petitions in favour of a community stadium at Falmer, are looking to you, Mr Deputy Prime Minister, to deliver them a decision that will provide them with the kind of facility that your own home city of Hull is rightly proud of. Do not underestimate the political significance of this issue for the people of Brighton and Hove. And most of all, please do not let us down!


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2003
I have just got an email back from the Argus!! If my letter gets published I just want to say thanx to Bozza as I saw his letter and customised it. I'm so bad at letter writing so it was a great help.

Captain Sensible

Well-known member
Jul 8, 2003
Not the real one
Planning Permission for a Community stadium at Falmer Brighton.

| | | Inbox

Mr John Prescott Dept. Prime Minister

Dear Mr Prescott
I am writing to you as a life long resident of Brighton and Hove. As you are aware the Planning inspector has reccomended that planning for this much needed stadium be turned down due to not enough space in the area in which it is to be built. However, I am in full support of the New Community Stadium and feel that the grounds are easily big enough to accomodate what is in stadium terms, quite a small one. There is a life of a Professional football club at stake and with it the hopes dreams and daily lives of thousands in the area. I urge you Mr Prescott to listen and read the evidence given in favour of the stadium, by our city council planners and experts (who do not believe the area to be too small)and to both of your MP's in Brighton and Hove. Most importantly to the people of this city that for many years have been deprived of a proper sporting arena. This is our one and ONLY chance to have a proper Stadium in the city and not to mention for the whole of Sussex. You hold in your hands the power to grant a Stadium the City and Football Club badly need and with it you hold the power to give happiness to thousands of people and generations to come. Please Mr Prescott, grant the planning permission for this stadium. You could never have a better chance to show us that yourself and your government, have the best interests of the people at heart.
Many thanks for you time, I hope you decide Yes to the Falmer Community Stadium.

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade
I sent:

"Dear Mr Prescott


I am writing to you concerning the Public Inquiry into a stadium at Falmer, Brighton which you are currently overseeing.

I am writing to urge you to reject the conclusions of the Local Plan Inspector, following his inspection of Brighton & Hove’s Local Plan.

The report fundamentally ignores the difficulties of finding a suitable site in the Brighton and Hove area, ones which have been taken in to consideration by the club and their representatives in determining the Falmer site as the only possible solution. It also completely ignores the weight of democratic opinion in the area. When a referendum on the plan was taken locally 67% of voters were in favour. I’m sure you’ll appreciate that as a sizeable majority.

Moreover this is an opportunity to develop a large number of jobs in the area. You may not think that Brighton and Hove Albion is important nationally but we are. Football is the national game and the rejection of the Falmer stadium would see the club die. This would affect the game itself and every true football fan. It would also devastate a cornerstone of the local community.

I am currently an ex-pat, living in Tokyo. While you might think this disqualifies me from commenting in fact I think it makes my argument more persuasive. I lived in Brighton for 30 years and do not want to see the club I love die and the friends I have back home devastated. The team is one of the main links I have back home and I always want to see them continue in my trips back to Brighton, however infrequent.

In short the recommendations of the planning inspector have ignored strong evidence and public opinion. Please don’t make the same mistake."

Short, to the point and possibly too emotional but what the hey. GET WRITING EVERYONE!!!

(Edited the final version - didn't like one particular phrase on reading it back to myself)
Last edited:


Brighton Bhuna Boy
Jul 6, 2003
Haywards Heath
Did a slight amendment t Bozza's letter.

e-mailed it and posted it.

Job done.:clap:


New member
Feb 1, 2004

East Staffs Gull

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2004
Birmingham and Austria
Mr John Prescott,
Deputy Prime Minister
26 Whitehall

February 6th, 2004

Dear Mr Prescott,

RE: Brighton & Hove Albion Football Stadium, Falmer

I am writing to express my dismay at the report produced by the Local Plan Inspector on the city of Brighton & Hove’s new Local Plan.

The reality is that the proposed stadium site at Falmer, whilst designated “green-belt”, is actually a mixture of land owned by the University (occupied by dilapidated 1960’s buildings) and a ploughed field.

Please don’t give in to the NIMBY’s.

Yours sincerely,

Jul 14, 2003
Will've been delivered this morning:

Dear Mr Prescott

Brighton & Hove New Local Plan

I have heard that the Local Plan Inspector, reporting on Brighton & Hove City’s new Local Plan, is recommending that the city council does not allocate the land at Falmer for a stadium.

I feel that I must add my voice to those others, in expressing my personal opinion on the matter.

The Inspector’s report seems to indicate that there may be other more appropriate sites for the stadium that the city so clearly needs. It seems also to gloss over the weight of evidence that was presented to the Public Enquiry demonstrating the opposite – that every option had been explored and that Falmer offered the only viable solution. That same evidence offered also compelling reasons why the proposal would offer so much in the way of benefit to the communities that it would serve.

Having swum in competition at the National Sports Centre at Crystal Palace last weekend, and knowing that that facility is to be demolished, I have to ask where is the much-vaunted commitment to sporting excellence in this country? Sporting excellence will only come with state of the art facilities and, it seems to me, that Falmer rejected will be a magnificent opportunity missed. Indeed Brighton & Hove may never have another opportunity like it.

I urge you therefore to approve the building of the community stadium at Falmer.

Yours sincerely


You can change this
Helpful Moderator
Jul 4, 2003
Back in Sussex
Was emailed to me over the weekend:

Dear Deputy Prime Minister,

I am writing to urge you to approve the current application from Brighton & Hove Albion F.C. for the location of their new stadium.

I believe that you understand the depth of feelings that football supporters have to endure, when the club that they love and which envelopes so much of their life, appears to be spiralling towards extinction. The most recent problems experienced by Hull City F.C. were very 'close to home' for yourself and your family, their resolution now a prime example of how well the club and the whole community have benefited from the stability of having their own modern stadium..

I therefore plead with you to give your seal of approval to the Brighton application. I am confident that the community of Brighton & Hove would greatly appreciate your endorsement.

Yours sincerely,

Dave Gould (age 53)
Liverpool F.C. Kop Season Ticket Holder
(attended many Brighton home matches during the early 1960's whilst living in Worthing)


New member
Jul 6, 2003
Tadley, Nr Reading
Dear Mr Prescott.

Please support the Planning Application for a new Community Stadium at Falmer for Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club.

Despite the findings of the Local Plan Inspector I hope you will consider the following:

•Both Brighton and Hove Councils have weighed up all other options and concluded that Falmer is the only viable site
•Brighton and Hove need a venue of this capacity to support sport in the County
•The Club cannot stay at their temporary home in Withdean indefinitely
•The cost of the planning procedure has already cost the Club around £1M
•The building of the stadium will generate many new jobs and education and training opportunities
•Over 60,000 people have already directly supported the Falmer option: many more tacitly support it

The Football Club is part of the City’s heritage. It was only 21 years ago that we were in the 1st division and reached a Wembley cup final.

I personally have supported the Club for 33 years, and, as a season ticket holder, take my teenage daughter to matches, even though I no longer live in the area. I hope that I will be able to continue to do this.

Please support us: don’t let our dream die.

Yours sincerely.....


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Have used Bozza's template and sent an email to Mr Prescott a from downunder. :thumbsup:

Mr Steven Shepherd
135 Womerah Avenue
New South Wales


Dear Mr Prescott,

I am a staunch supporter of Brighton & Hove Albion FC, and currently living overseas. I am writing to you concerning the Public Inquiry into the Community stadium at Falmer, Brighton which you are currently overseeing.

Of particular note, I would like to draw you attention towards some important issues that appear to have been overlooked in the Local Plan Inspector’s report relating to Brighton & Hove’s Local Plan.

1. The report does not recognise the very real difficulties of finding a suitable site in the Brighton & Hove area.

2. The report does not reflect the overwhelming public support for the stadium project at Falmer and the detailed consultation process that took place prior to selecting the site

The planning application clearly demonstrated:

- the need Brighton & Hove Albion have for a new stadium

- evidence of the national importance of Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club

- the huge number of jobs and opportunities for education and skills training that would be provided by the proposed development

- an innovative sustainable transport scheme

- that the site at Falmer had the least impact of any of the very few potential sites for a stadium in the Brighton & Hove area

I hope that you will not overlook the evidence provided at the Public Inquiry, the majority of which seems to have been totally ignored by the Local Planning Inspector in his report.

The people of Brighton & Hove have been crying out for a community stadium for a number of years now, and Falmer is the peoples choice!

Yours sincerely,

Steven Shepherd

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