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Draft letter examples to Prescott for those that need them.

Ex Shelton Seagull

New member
Jul 7, 2003
Block G, Row F, Seat 175
Here's mine. Going a bit Che Guevara at the end but i've still got some of the student in me!

Dear Mr Prescott,

I am writing to you concerning the Public Inquiry into a stadium at Falmer, Brighton that you are currently overseeing. Your office will have received today a copy of the local planning inspector’s report and I wish to object in the strongest possible terms to this report.
The inspector has recommended that the proposed community stadium at Falmer, East Sussex, be rejected. He claims that the site is too small and that a “provincial sports team”, namely Brighton & Hove Albion FC, is deemed not important enough to be granted this land for a new home.
In coming to this conclusion the inspector has totally ignored over 60,000 people who voted for the stadium to be sited at Falmer, totally ignored the surveys conducted by the council and club into potential sites for a new stadium which found Falmer to be the ONLY option in Brighton & Hove and seemingly dismissed out of hand the hundreds of hours of expert testimony given at the public inquiry by dozens of experts in this field.
His conclusions and suggested alternatives are laughable. He suggests Brighton station car park, Sheepcote Valley, Toads Hole Valley and our current rented, temporary, stadium at Withdean. All of these sites were considered and rejected in an exhaustive report conducted by Brighton & Hove council and Brighton & Hove Albion FC several years ago. Nothing has changed at those sites since that report was conducted.
Brighton station car park is around half the size of the Falmer site, yet the inspector rejects Falmer because he considers it to be too small to accommodate a stadium. He also appears to have failed to note that Sainsburys supermarkets have applied for planning permission to build a new outlet on this land along with a small-scale residential development.
Sheepcote Valley, which he describes as having “no great landscape value”, has NO public transport links and is built on an abandoned waste tip. The football pitches that are currently on the site have major problems with drainage as a result. How could a professional football club be expected to fulfil fixtures on such an appalling surface?
Toad’s Hole Valley was rejected as a potential site for a stadium by the local council back in 1995 and nothing has changed the site since that decision was taken. Any building on the site would have a devastating effect on the abundant wildlife in the area and is miles from the nearest train station.
Withdean stadium is far too small for our needs and is bounded by a nature reserve on one side and housing on the other three. There is NO future for this club at Withdean stadium.
The Falmer site has been chosen time and again by elected officials and experts in stadium construction as the best site for a community stadium. It is next to the A27, has a railway station next door, and is next to several large buildings belonging to Brighton University. Both Sussex and Brighton Universities would gain new buildings and income from this development, the local area of Moulsecoomb would have a centre for education and skills development and the city of Brighton and Hove would at last have a sporting facility to be proud of.
As well as dismissing the stadium plans he also rejects Brighton & Hove councils policy of making 40% of new housing units affordable. Mr Prescott, I was born in Shoreham and have lived around the Brighton area for most of my life. Since returning from University education and getting a job at a multi-national defence company I have been unable to afford to even rent a flat, let alone consider buying one. The rents and house prices in Brighton & Hove are some of the highest in the entire country and mean that young people such as myself have almost no chance of contributing to the community and making ourselves independent. The council’s policy is in line with your own department’s objectives on affordable housing. The inspector dismisses these policies in quite frankly insulting terms, insulting not only to the council planners and the ten’s of thousands of people like myself, but insulting to your own department.
I urge you to totally reject this half-baked, condescending piece of claptrap and consign it to the dustbin where it belongs. It angers me that my tax money could have been wasted on this amateurish piece of work, a piece of work which ignores basic facts, ignores the wishes of the majority of the population of this city and ignores the democratic process itself.
If one unelected, unaccountable official is allowed to overturn the wishes of over sixty thousand voters, three elected ministers of parliament and an elected council then it will be a sad day for those of us who believe that we live in a democracy.


Jul 5, 2003
Mr Prescott,

I believe, having lived worked and grown up in Brighton that the plan for the Falmer stadium is of key importance in promoting sport and social cohesion in our area. In its audacious bid to get the Olympics for London the Labour party should also remember that sport needs to grow at the grass roots level in order for us to develop on the world stage, the Falmer stadium would be an amazing and extremely beneficial development in this sense. Furthermore there are no further sites in our region that would be suitable for a stadium, and our club cannot survive much longer without one. The benefits of this stadium, both economic and social would be massive, the costs of not building the stadium could be very damaging, please get yourselves another safe seat in time for the next general election and approve this project, thousands of people would be eternally grateful and I promise next time you come down to Brighton you will be treated like royalty. I hope that you will approve these plans, our previous ground was sold by an awful man who then made millions on the redevelopment of the site and since then we've had no local stadium of any note in one of the most sports mad regions in the south. All other major towns and cities have stadiums of their own, it is ridiculous that Brighton and the surrounding area should not. There's also the fact that the recent policy's of your government have lost them an enormous amount of support in this area, if you personally approved this stadium it would go some way to making amends for this loss.

Just sent.

A bit of cut and paste, some references to Prescott Homeland and new stadium and a bit of regeneration.


Dear Mr Prescott,

RE: Brighton & Hove Albion Football Stadium, Falmer

I am writing to express my dismay at the report produced by the Local Plan Inspector on the city of Brighton & Hove’s new Local Plan.

Planning Issues

The report has quite clearly failed to recognise the very real difficulties and existing work of the club, the local Councils to identifying a suitable and realistic site in the Brighton & Hove area

The planning application clearly demonstrated:

- The Club’s and the City need for a new stadium
- It provided evidence of the national importance of Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club
- It set out the huge number of jobs and opportunities for education and skills training that would be provided by the development to an area recognised by your Department as one of the most deprived in England and possessing New Deal for Communities status
- It included an innovative sustainable transport scheme
- It demonstrated that the Falmer site had the least negative impact of any of the very few potential sites for a stadium in the Brighton & Hove area

It is inconceivable to me how the plans could have been rejected by the Inspector. The proposed site is immediatly adjacent to the A27, a major dual carriageway which would provide excellent access to the stadium. And minimize the need for traffic to enter the City. The plans were designed in sympathy with the surrounding landscape, and all local environmental and transport issues were investigated extensively by a body of planning, environmental and transportation experts. The overwhelming evidence of this Enquiry was that the planning application was sound, so having witnessed this Enquiry personally.

The Inspectors recommendation is of two other potential sites that have already been ruled out as unfeasible by a team of independant advisors. One being Brighton Station car park, which is just ridiculously undersized and would cause an absolute disaster in the form of additional traffic to an already busy city centre. With the other site being Sheepcote Valley, which is almost certain to be in the National Park. It leaves me in sheer disbelief as to how such recommendations can be arrived at.

It appears that none of these key Planning and Regeneration points (that are the rationale of your Department) were taken into account in the Inspector’s recommendations!!

Community Support

The report does it reflect the overwhelming public support of over 61,000 (one of the Country’s largest referendum votes ever) for the stadium project at Falmer and the detailed consultation process with all lo
I would remind you that over 90 percent of the electorate supported a new stadium within Brighton & Hove and more than 60 percent supported the development of the site at Falmer. There are not many projected developments that attract such a large volume of public support, although this reflects the huge interest in Brighton & Hove Albion within the city and in the surrounding area.

The proposed stadium could have an enormous economic impact on the city. Firstly, it is a development planned in a socially deprived part of Brighton and will produce a number of jobs where they are most needed.

The failure to support such a project would indicate that the Government is not prepared to support job creation and diverse employment initiatives in one of its key regeneration areas.

I urge you to take these factors into account before making your decision over the stadium.

Provincial Club

I also have to take issue with the statement that the club is only a provincial club. Please refer to the new football stadium of comparable size in your own Constituency of Hull, demographically we need the same size of stadium. In addition I refer you to Southampton with its new 30,000 plus stadium.

Football is competitive industry, our Town and club should not be resigned to a venue that is clearly not a reflection of our population and potential.

This City is no greater or less a provincial area to the ablove areas. I also refer you to Jack Straw’s Constituency of Blckburn, we would agree that Brighton is of a greater regional importance but Blackburn possesses a 30,000 plus stadium. All around the Country Cities and Towns of Brighton size and stature have stadiums of 20,000 plus.

I would urge you to bear this in mind when considering the Local Inspectors Report.

Yours sincerely,



New member
Jul 5, 2003
The corner quietly rusting
Its a minor edit of Roz's version.

Dear Mr Prescott

Brighton & Hove Albion FC – Community Stadium Application

I am writing to you in respect of the community stadium at Falmer, Brighton which was the subject of a recent Public Inquiry. You are currently considering the evidence put to this Inquiry and, in your considerations I urge you to set aside the Local Plan Inspector’s report that rejected Falmer as the site for this desperately needed community stadium and permanent home for Brighton & Hove Albion FC. Without this stadium, our club has no sustainable future and our city will be a poorer place in all senses of the word.

The planning application as submitted clearly demonstrated:

- the need that Brighton & Hove Albion have for a new stadium

- the evidence of the national importance of Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club and that of football in the community.

- the economic benefits that would accrue from the stadium given the number of jobs created and the further opportunities for education and skills training generated by the development . These elements will compliment other initiatives aimed at regeneration and the reduction of social exclusion in the city.

- the benefits of an innovated, sustainable and integrated passenger transport scheme

- that the site at Falmer had the least impact of any of the very few potential sites for a stadium in the Brighton & Hove area

I am currently living in Birmingham but remain a B&HA fan and attend games when i can. Sadly these are mostly away games as I cannot get a ticket in the under resourced Withdean Stadium.

There are no alternative sites to Falmer and this was demonstrated at the Public Inquiry. Without Falmer there will be no Brighton and Hove Albion. If that happens, a vital part of our city and the community dies with it. Please don’t let that happen to my team, and too Brighton and Hove.

Beach Hut

Brighton Bhuna Boy
Jul 5, 2003
Living In a Box
Sent to mail address but is there any where else it should be going ?


Active member
Aug 1, 2003

Dear Mr. Prescott,
We have just learned that the Local Plan Inspector’s report on the Deposit Draft of the City’s Local plan has been issued and astoundingly it suggests that the stadium should not be built at Falmer. This report is fundamentally flawed and should be disregarded by yourself. There is no mention, or concern for, the overwhelming public support for the stadium at Falmer or the lengthy consultation process that was undertaken prior to the selection of this site. It does not in any way acknowledge the difficulties of finding a site to build a stadium within the city of Brighton and Hove.

The planning application made by the club clearly demonstrated:
- the club's need for a new stadium
- It provided evidence of the national importance of Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club
- It set out the huge number of jobs and opportunities for education and skills training that would be provided by the development
- It included an innovative sustainable transport scheme
- It demonstrated that the Falmer site had the least impact of any of the very few potential sites for a stadium in the Brighton & Hove area

None of these points were taken into account in the Inspector's recommendations - and letter writers should ask Mr Prescott to take these factors into account when he makes his decision.

Daddy says the role of government is to take a strategic view of the planning process and act in the interests of the many. I sense you are a man of the people and will have a good idea of the significance of this new stadium for thousands and thousands of people. Please provide the facility for me to support my local football club (which will most likely cease to exist should Falmer not materialise)

We implore you Sir to please take the aforementioned points into consideration before making your decision. Brighton and Hove Albion have been without a permanent home for way too many years- please end this torture.

Yours sincerely,


Sussex on Leith

New member
Sep 11, 2003
Also based on Roz's version, but citing the example of Hull (where else?) as a city experiencing regeneration as a result of a new stadium.

Brighton & Hove Albion FC – Community Stadium Application

Dear Mr Prescott

I have been reading with astonishment the conclusions of the Local Plan Inspector’s report on Brighton and Hove Albion’s proposed new stadium at Falmer. As you consider the evidence put to the recent Public Inquiry, I implore you to discount the recommendations of the Local Plan Inspector’s report that rejected Falmer as the site for this community stadium and permanent home for Brighton & Hove Albion FC.

Having invested £2.5 million in the current planning application in order to produce a plan that was imaginative, considerate to potential neighbours, environmentally sound and with outstanding transport links, the club would be left destitute if Falmer were rejected, and a 103-year-old football club with supporters all over the world would go to the wall.

The proposal has the overwhelming support of Brighton & Hove Council, the city’s voters and MPs. The application as submitted clearly demonstrated:

• The need that Brighton & Hove Albion have for a new stadium
• The evidence of the national importance of Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club and that of football in the community.
• The economic benefits that would accrue from the stadium given the number of jobs created and the further opportunities for education and skills training generated by the development. These elements will compliment other initiatives aimed at regeneration and the reduction of social exclusion in the city.
• The benefits of an innovative, sustainable and integrated passenger transport scheme.
• That the site at Falmer had the least impact of any of the very few potential sites for a stadium in the Brighton & Hove area.

Although I live in Edinburgh, I attend Brighton games whenever I can. Currently these are mostly away games, due to the difficulty in getting tickets for the Withdean Stadium, which holds a mere 7,000 people.

There are no viable alternative sites to Falmer and this was demonstrated at the Public Inquiry. The Local Plan Inspector’s suggested alternatives have already been explored by the club and the city council, and have been found to be unworkable in a variety of ways.

Clubs such as Hull City currently exemplify the great benefits of modern, state-of-the-art stadia to their towns and cities. Over 20,000 people per week have been attending Division Three matches at the Kingston Communications Stadium, and the club has once again assumed its rightful place at the heart of the local community. Falmer would do the same for Brighton and Hove. Without Falmer, the club would fold and there would be no league football in the whole of Sussex.

You hold the future of a great club and a great community in your hands. I hope that the correspondence of myself and thousands of others will help to convey the enormous strength of feeling about Falmer, both within Sussex and far beyond.

Yours sincerely,

Tom Wheeler


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
A workmate of mine who is wheelchair bound contacted me to say he had sent the following. Certainly a different and valued view point.

Dear Deputy Prime Minister

As a Football fan, living in the South East of England - I would ask that you give your full support to Brighton & Hove Albion's proposal for their new Stadia Planned for Falmer, Brighton

I'm disabled, and have never been able to enjoy playing our National game, but as someone who was educated at Chailey Heritage, near Brighton I can honestly say, that I have personally benefited from a very close relationship between my old School and Brighton Football Club.

I feel that I owe the club a great deal, - Unless the club is given this opportunity to progress, quite apart from the long-term economic & social benefit that a profession club brings to the Southeast of England - Football will lose out

Please remember, football is a universal language, and transcends all our social boundaries.

I urge you - please be fully supportive to the Club's effort and approve these plans

Yours sincerely



Active member
Jul 5, 2003
Have sent the letter to the internet football list so fans from plenty of clubs should send it.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
My adaptation of the original.... Of all the potential reasons for obstucting the stadium, lack of support is surely the most unlikely! At least it's something we can prove is wrong....

Dear Mr Prescott,

I am writing to you concerning the Public Inquiry into a stadium at Falmer, Brighton which you are currently overseeing.

The Local Plan Inspector’s Report relating to Brighton & Hove’s Local Plan has left me dumbfounded, in particular the assertion that there is no “demonstrable national need” for a stadium.

Brighton and Hove Albion is a football club known worldwide with a level of support which stands comparison with the majority of Premiership outfits, as was demonstrated so overwhelmingly by the results of the local referendum on this issue.

It is no fault of the current board or fans that the club is currently trapped in a wholly inappropriate ground. Indeed, they’ve worked tirelessly for several years to identify a suitable site which overcomes the obstacles presented by Brighton and Hove’s location.

Every effort has been made to produce plans for a stadium which not only fits with its surrounding environment, but actually improves it. To suggest glibly at this stage that there are better alternative sites within the city flies in the face of all the evidence, and shows an appalling lack of understanding of local needs.

As has been stated time and again, the stadium will provide a huge number of jobs and opportunities for education and skills training. It will satisfy a very large demand throughout Sussex for professional football and safeguard the future of an institution which has played a central role in our community for more than a hundred years.

Please do not overlook the evidence presented at the Public Inquiry, as the Local Plan Inspector seems to have done. The vast majority in Brighton & Hove are in favour of this much-needed sporting facility and to reject it would ride roughshod over democracy.


Mods' Pet
I sent this e-mail to all my friends - have posted it here in case it's useful...

"Hi everyone. I'm e-mailing you - my friends - because I really really
really urgently need your help.

The football club that I have supported most of my life is going to fold
in a few days time - and I need you spare a minute to send an e-mail to
try and help stop this from happening.

Brighton and Hove Albion have been trying to get a new stadium ever since
the Goldstone Ground was sold and the Deputy PM, John Prescott is about to
decide whether a new stadium can be built at Falmer.

But the Local Plan Inspector has recommended to John Prescott that he
refuse planning permission. The report calls Brighton a "provincial club"
and states that there is "no demonstrable national need" for the stadium.

We HAVE to convey to him the level of support among football fans (not
just Brighton fans) for the stadium.

As you'd expect, Brighton fans have been writing to Prescott in their
thousands already. Can you send a quick e-mail and help me out?

There's a draft e-mail - and the address - below - it' s just a matter of
cut and paste!

If you can send it in the post in a letter to John Prescott I will be even
more in your debt!!!

Thanks guys. "


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Back in East Sussex
I sent a joint one with my wife on a slightly different note:

Dear Mr Prescott,

We am writing to you concerning the Public Inquiry into a stadium at Falmer, in Brighton, which you are currently overseeing.

We know that you will have received many letters detailing the disappointment felt at the report produced by the Local Plan Inspector regarding the stadium. We wish to add our voices to those, and respectfully ask you to consider them, the authentic voice of the people of Brighton and Hove, before making a decision on the stadium.

We got married on the 1st of May 1997, a date we are sure also has happy memories for you. After the ceremony, we went into the centre of Brighton, to vote for David Lepper, and what we hoped would also be a new start for the country as a whole.

We were voting then for a government that would take an active part in improving life for ordinary people, one that would put the needs of the majority above that of a small, but rich, minority. We were voting for a government that had the vision to see that, in an instance like this, the community in Brighton would benefit from the Stadium at Falmer in a greater way than the simple economic boost it would bring to the area.

We do not wish to return to the dark years of Britain before 1997, when NIMBYs, and arrogance were the hallmark of a government that no longer cared about ordinary people. Please look at the report issued by the Local Plan Inspector, in particular at its arrogant dismissal of the need for affordable housing in Brighton, and then also reject the conclusions it comes to about the Stadium at Falmer.

Instead, please listen to the people who voted in Brighton and Hove, and approve the Planning Application for the Stadium at Falmer.

Yours sincerely,

Duncan & Heidi Hurwood


aka Jim in the West
Jan 6, 2004
Way out West
No way - the help some club's fans have given us over the past 10 years or so is immense....Doncaster, Plymouth, Charlton.....too many to name. We love those clubs - we'll love Reading too!


aka Jim in the West
Jan 6, 2004
Way out West
Yes, but we REALLY hate Palace. We only don't like you cus you've got loads of dosh and a great stadium, plus Steve Sidwell and Steve Coppell. It's called jealousy, not hatred.

Thanks a million for your letter.

West Hoathly Seagull

Honorary Ruffian
Aug 26, 2003
Ali, thanks.

In post tomorrow and already emailed.

The Right Hon. John Prescott MP
Deputy Prime Minister
26 Whitehall

Dear Mr Prescott


I am writing to you concerning the Public Inquiry into a stadium at Falmer, Brighton which you are currently overseeing.

I am writing to urge you to reject the conclusions of the Local Plan Inspector, following his inspection of Brighton & Hove’s Local Plan.

Of particular note, I would like to highlight some important issues that appear to have been overlooked in the Local Plan Inspector’s report. The planning application clearly demonstrated the need Brighton & Hove Albion has for a new stadium. The club is currently playing in a local athletics stadium (Withdean) in a residential area, and only has permission to play there for a certain length of time. For the club to have to remain there would go back on promises made to residents that this was only a temporary arrangement. In addition, the club has to make large payments every match to the stadium’s facilities management company, depriving it of revenue which would be its own were it to have its own stadium.

The report has overlooked evidence of the national importance of Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club and its importance to the local economy. The proposed development would provide a huge number of jobs (estimated at 1000) and opportunities for education and skills training. The club has recently begun providing this at Withdean and this would be greatly expanded at Falmer. The development would greatly benefit the wards of Moulsecoomb, East Brighton and Hollingbury, three of the most deprived wards in the whole of Brighton and Hove.

The report does not recognise the very real difficulties of finding a suitable site in the Brighton & Hove area. The site at Falmer had the least impact of any of the very few potential sites for a stadium in the Brighton & Hove area, particularly regarding transport. The club has put together an innovative sustainable transport scheme, so that the vast majority of fans would arrive by means other than private vehicles. Park and Ride schemes will be located well away from the stadium, and Falmer Station is adjacent to the stadium site. Reducing private vehicle use has always been one of your Government’s main priorities.

Several other sites have been looked at, and have been rejected as unsuitable. The Inspector suggests that the club should look at Sheepcote Valley and the Brighton Station site. Access to the Sheepcote Valley site is poor – there is no railway station nearby, which would make it very difficult to produce a sustainable transport scheme. A stadium on this site would lead to greatly increased traffic in Woodingdean Village, and possibly in Rottingdean, where the roads are very narrow. The Brighton Station site is too small, and has other applications pending on it.

The report does not reflect the overwhelming public support for the stadium project at Falmer and the detailed consultation process that took place prior to selecting the site. 62,000 people signed a petition in favour of the proposed development, and over 45,000 voted in favour in a referendum held by the Council at the same time as the 1999 elections.

I trust you will not overlook the evidence provided at the Public Inquiry, the bulk of which seems to have been ignored by the Local Plan Inspector in his report, and finally give the people of Brighton and Hove the sporting facility it is so desperately missing.

Yours sincerely,

Aug 12, 2003
Perth WA
Dear John

Party politics…asylum seekers…Hutton & now Butler…apathetic public at election time…health service in crisis…Top up fees…pedophiles…child obesity…decaying railways…two jags…Brownfield site…Iraq…decay…. Lethargy …blah, blah, blah…


If we as parents of the future generation manage to achieve an inclusive attitude towards our kids in sport, the arts or anything constructive, then some of the pride needs to be put back into this country of ours.

England Rugby World Cup Winners…how powerful was that to the next generation?

Sorry Son… no football this Saturday…the Albion folded…go put on another computer game (or probably go on the streets… graffiti…vandalism…youth drug & alcoholism) how more powerful is that for the next generation?

I refuse to accept that you cannot cut some red tape and allow this facility, which would ensure inclusion for future generations rather than supporting a (very) few, who seek to live out their years in selfish isolation from their wider community.

Mr. Blair is seeking inclusion of youth in sport… this community facility would be ideal in our region…and not just for Football.

You (in Government) manage the school systems, healthcare systems etc, we as parents crave support in creating an inclusive culture for our children and ensuring diversity, vibrancy and better health for them.

Come on John…. Make the right decision for my kids and those in the communities around me. A new facility to entertain and inspire the next generation.

Say yes to Falmer

Alton Seagull

New member
Jul 12, 2003
Alton, Hampshire
I JUST HOPE THIS HELP'S, I sent it to everyone I know

"Hi everyone. I'm e-mailing you - my friends - because I really really really urgently need your help.

The football club that I have supported most of my life is going to fold in a few days time - and I need you to spare a minute to send an e-mail to try and help stop this from happening.

Brighton and Hove Albion fc have been trying to get a new football stadium ever since the Goldstone Ground was sold 7 years ago and the Deputy PM, John Prescott is about to decide whether a new stadium can be built at Falmer in Brighton.

But the Local Plan Inspector has recommended to John Prescott that here fuse planning permission.

We HAVE to convey to him the level of support among football fans (not just Brighton fans) for the new stadium.

As you'd expect, Brighton fans have been writing to Prescott in their thousands already. Can you send a quick e-mail and help me and thousands of Brighton supporters out?

There's a e-mail - and the address - below - it's just a matter of cut and paste!

If you can send this to John Prescott either by post, email or both and then on to everyone in your address book I would be most grateful

Thanks guys. "


The Right Hon. John Prescott MP
Deputy Prime Minister
26 Whitehall

Dear Mr Prescott


I am writing to you concerning the Public Inquiry into a stadium at Falmer, Brighton which you are currently overseeing.

I am writing to urge you to reject the conclusions of the Local Plan Inspector, following his inspection of Brighton & Hove’s Local Plan.

Of particular note, I would like to highlight some important issues that appear to have been overlooked in the Local Plan Inspector’s report. The planning application clearly demonstrated the need Brighton & Hove Albion has for a new stadium. The club is currently playing in a local athletics stadium (Withdean) in a residential area, and only has permission to play there for a certain length of time. For the club to have to remain there would go back on promises made to residents that this was only a temporary arrangement. In addition, the club has to make large payments every match to the stadium’s facilities management company, depriving it of revenue which would be its own were it to have its own stadium.

The report has overlooked evidence of the national importance of Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club and its importance to the local economy. The proposed development would provide a huge number of jobs (estimated at 1000) and opportunities for education and skills training.

The report does not recognise the very real difficulties of finding a suitable site in the Brighton & Hove area. The site at Falmer had the least impact of any of the very few potential sites for a stadium in the Brighton & Hove area, particularly regarding transport. The club has put together an innovative sustainable transport scheme, so that the vast majority of fans would arrive by means other than private vehicles. Park and Ride schemes will be located well away from the stadium, and Falmer Station is adjacent to the stadium site. Reducing private vehicle use has always been one of your Government’s main priorities.

Several other sites have been looked at, and have been rejected as unsuitable. The Inspector suggests that the club should look at Sheepcote Valley and the Brighton Station site. Access to the Sheepcote Valley site is poor – there is no railway station nearby, which would make it very difficult to produce a sustainable transport scheme. A stadium on this site would lead to greatly increased traffic in Woodingdean Village, and possibly in Rottingdean, where the roads are very narrow. The Brighton Station site is too small, and has other applications pending on it.

The report does not reflect the overwhelming public support for the stadium project at Falmer and the detailed consultation process that took place prior to selecting the site. 62,000 people signed a petition in favour of the proposed development, and over 45,000 voted in favour in a referendum held by the Council at the same time as the 1999 elections.

I beg you to look beyond the recommendations of the Inspector, and examine for yourself the evidence of the Enquiry. It is there for all to see. Falmer is NEEDED, it is VIABLE and it is the ONLY WAY that a proud football club and its vociferous and extensive supporter base throughout Sussex can continue to exist. As I am sure you are already aware - your decision, and your decision alone, will mean the difference between Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club continuing beyond its proud 103 year history, or it perishing at the hands of you and your Inspector.

For the sake of me and the thousands of fans throughout Sussex and beyond, and the future generations of Albion and football fans, I beg you to make the right choice. The only choice.


Yours sincerely,

Michael Taylor
Last edited:

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