The hows and whys are very easy to see if you zoom out and stop having a horse in the race.Hilarious to see all the desperation to smear Biden via his son. All the"But, look at Hunter " stuff compared to the crimes, and misdemeanours commited by Trump and those around him is equally hilarious and sad.
By electing Trump it has shown that the ( very slight ) majority of Americans are racist, ignorant and gullible. When history is written of this time it will be endlessly analysed and the recurring questions will be how ? and why ? Incredible that a man so dysfunctional, crass, ignorant, and full of hatred and rage could rise to power TWICE !
People are miserable and want change. If the establishment that made them miserable says "don't vote Trump" and has that as its only political ambition/idea/vision. The middle class don't want to understand the working class though and will lable them "ignorant and gullible". Their wrath will (unfortunately?) eventually lead to the question "who was gullible - really?". Was it the "left" who thought it had time and space for identity politics and building the world around "but the other guy is worse!" or was it the "right wing", who saw the misery of the people and "played the game" according to that reality.
Personally don't give a shit who they have as their president, but still surprised that liberals get surprised when the Trumps, Orbans and Putins of the world gets popular. Its very easy to sit in the safety of a warm home and say "lol they're only doing that because trolls tell them to on Twitter". This way of seeing things is detached from the problems actually people face and want to change (not that it'll happen) through ousting the "good guys", who in many eyes aren't all that good.
Its quite similar to Europe before the French revolution. People who had good lives didn't see the suffering of the average man and thus did nothing to help the average man out. Eventually the average man had enough. The artistocracy and the bourgeoisie had nice educations, more money and higher life standard than ever and when the poor slobs all around France (and surroudnings) rose up, those better off often to the very end kept their "but we're the good guys and you're the slobs, why are you doing this to us?" mentality.
Not willing to get into any debate of US politics or Trump vs Biden etc but people need to realise that increasing levels of poverty, unemployment and drug abuse needs to be dealt with and not ignored. The "trust me, Biden is a good guy because Trump says nasty things" isn't going to work on someone trying to feed a family on $9 an hour while fending off the crack smoking neighbours trying to steal their cars. The 100+ million Americans living in similar conditions will obviously vote to get rid of what they perceive as the establishment.