Gilliver's Travels
With so many hundreds of people on NSC producing thousands of posts every year, I'm wondering whether anyone else makes routine use of dictation software. I've been a user of Dragon NaturallySpeaking for donkeys' years, and would not think of typing anything manually nowadays that's more than a line or two in length.
It would be interesting to know if anyone else on NSC uses this or similar software. The mere thought of millions of characters being typed in manually, by hundreds of NSC's finest, day after day, is enough to bring on a severe bout of RSI.
So, dictation software – any views?
It would be interesting to know if anyone else on NSC uses this or similar software. The mere thought of millions of characters being typed in manually, by hundreds of NSC's finest, day after day, is enough to bring on a severe bout of RSI.
So, dictation software – any views?