more like day of c***s
this is basically a hit parade of alt-right basement fascists.
absolute embarrassment to be taken in by these pricks
Who? And did you listen to what the guest speakers were saying?
His trial heard he regularly read material from the former EDL leader Tommy Robinson and the far-right group Britain First, among others. “Over the space of a month or so, your mindset became one of malevolent hatred. You allowed your mind to be poisoned by those who claim to be leaders,”
People have been murdered through the radicalisation espoused by these people. You might be ok with that but you're in the minority.
What a load of nonsense.
That's an incredibly flippant response. The ideology you're promoting is implicated with inspiring terrorist attacks..
Stop trying to radicalise people.
So which tedious neo-fascist nazi cell is this one.
Why can't they all come clean, grow a silly little moustache and buy a black uniform covered in swastikas, and then invade Poland. Do it properly or not at all.
What a childish comment.
That is f##king pathetic
I find that ridicule is the best way to deal with Nazi's, because none of them have a sense of humour. They are all too busy hating everyone and everything.
Most of the people in that line up seem to be on the way down, this seems like they're just trying to keep their names in the spotlight.
The ones I've heard of are absolutely horrible people with ridiculous views.
You are clearly ignorant when you don't even know or care what they are saying, and to accuse me of trying to radicalise people based on your lack of knowledge of the event is quite a claim. Are you related to Cathy Newman by any chance?
You queried that people have been killed as a result of Tommy Robinson and their ilk. I gave three attacks which you brandished as 'nonsense' and yet you call me ignorant.
That's an incredibly flippant response. The ideology you're promoting is implicated with inspiring terrorist attacks..
Stop trying to radicalise people.