fork me
I have changed this
An insignificant little town with a puny football team that have finally managed to buy their way into the league.
Crawley is best known for being the shitehole that Croydon is a small town near.
People in Crawley are often mistaken for people from Croydon due to the amount of cheap chav tat they wear and their habit of wearing a strange blue and red shirt of which nobody knows the
relevance - it was thought that this shirt was a representation of a football shirt but this theory has since been disproved.
The old health warning that used to be on the approach road has now been taken down but people are still advised to check their inoculations before they enter the environs of Crawley
Crawley is best known for being the shitehole that Croydon is a small town near.
People in Crawley are often mistaken for people from Croydon due to the amount of cheap chav tat they wear and their habit of wearing a strange blue and red shirt of which nobody knows the
relevance - it was thought that this shirt was a representation of a football shirt but this theory has since been disproved.
The old health warning that used to be on the approach road has now been taken down but people are still advised to check their inoculations before they enter the environs of Crawley