Gilliver's Travels
Anyone worried about Tony Bloom's apparently low public profile -- at least, to date -- should spare a thought for the fans of Ipswich Town.
The man now apparently running that club is not its chairman. Marcus Evans prefers instead to call himself the club's 'owner', having a few months back invested £30 million in the club. Evans claims to be a lifelong Ipswich fan, but absolutely refuses to do interviews of any kind, and avoids all contact with the public, the media and, especially, the fans.
This 'lifelong fan' refuses to allow any personal photograph at all to be published, anywhere. The man who runs Ipswich Town claims to go to all its home games, but has never ever been positively identified, nor photographed.
In such strange circumstances, the manner in which Ipswich Town's 'owner' might ever get called to account, should things go badly, has never been made clear. But presumably Marcus Evans can always just take his £30 million wedge back again, and just walk away. After all, his money is not tied up in a stadium, because they already had one of those before he arrived.
So, people, things could be a whole lot worse for us. If you're possibly feeling a tad worried about our future, just think yourself lucky you're not an Ipswich fan.
The man now apparently running that club is not its chairman. Marcus Evans prefers instead to call himself the club's 'owner', having a few months back invested £30 million in the club. Evans claims to be a lifelong Ipswich fan, but absolutely refuses to do interviews of any kind, and avoids all contact with the public, the media and, especially, the fans.
This 'lifelong fan' refuses to allow any personal photograph at all to be published, anywhere. The man who runs Ipswich Town claims to go to all its home games, but has never ever been positively identified, nor photographed.
In such strange circumstances, the manner in which Ipswich Town's 'owner' might ever get called to account, should things go badly, has never been made clear. But presumably Marcus Evans can always just take his £30 million wedge back again, and just walk away. After all, his money is not tied up in a stadium, because they already had one of those before he arrived.
So, people, things could be a whole lot worse for us. If you're possibly feeling a tad worried about our future, just think yourself lucky you're not an Ipswich fan.