Epic stuff, but I'd go Clangers on 2 counts (assuming they've 'plotted-up' pwoppa; keep it tight & ain't bloated on Blue String Pud).
Battle of Neptune: Clangers to win after Womble Mob fails to show - due to massed suffocation.
Cardiff: Clangers survive re-entry - thanks largely to them getting kitted out in Designer kevlar breast-plate clobber. They sneak into town after landing in the River Taff the night before & cunningly whistle in some main Soul Crew Faces (who hate Wombles coz they iz seen no-mark Cockney mugs boyo). Wombles get run all over the gaff but manage to burrow their way out of a truly brutal shoeing.
different league ....fucksake pay afuckinttention.......this is the annimated section.
Depends entirely on tactics. If I was managing the clangers, I'd tell them to chuck litter on the ground in front of them, then kick the wombles up the arse when they went to pick it up.
leave me out of this i'm on on the magic roundaboutReminds me of Das Reich and Brighton till i die when there is a holli thread on here