‘Are you West Ham in disguise’ ?2 goals down. 26% possession.
0 shots
0 shots on target
0 corners
Decent half-time team talk needed.
‘Are you West Ham in disguise’ ?2 goals down. 26% possession.
0 shots
0 shots on target
0 corners
Decent half-time team talk needed.
No, because we've now had more shots than they managed‘Are you West Ham in disguise’ ?
Just what I was about to post! I know Chelsea made some changes, but we did play better in second halfNice finish by Carter.
Drawing the 2nd half 1-1 would be a result in itself.
Wise minds think alike!Just what I was about to post! I know Chelsea made some changes, but we did play better in second half
42 goals conceded across 12 games is absolutely criminal honestly. We don't score many, but neither does anyone else in midtable. Fix the terrifyingly leaky ship and we'll likely be ok. Particularly if we can target Reading in a few gamesWise minds think alike!
Sadly the game was done and dusted when Albion's consolation went in.
They can take away some confidence from tonight's 2nd half showing.
However Albion Women have to sort out the marking at the back urgently if they want to pick up points.
Despite playing a game less than bottom side Leicester, a worse GD of -27 and conceding 10 goals more tells its own story.
Yes, not many teams could expect to win games whilst shipping an average of 3.5 goals every match.42 goals conceded across 12 games is absolutely criminal honestly. We don't score many, but neither does anyone else in midtable. Fix the terrifyingly leaky ship and we'll likely be ok. Particularly if we can target Reading in a few games