"In their hard-touring days, the wacky pair would liven up groupie encounters thus: one would hide in the wardrobe of the hotel room. The other would then bring his lady acquaintance up to the room and ask to do her a la chien, with her leaning over the windowsill and the curtains pulled shut on her."
"Lady would be 'ooh, kinky!' and agree. At a prearranged signal, the wardrobe-hider would sneak out and seamlessly plug in the place of the initial shagger, who would then run down into the cacar parknd wave up at the woman in the window. Now that's comedy."
"Lady would be 'ooh, kinky!' and agree. At a prearranged signal, the wardrobe-hider would sneak out and seamlessly plug in the place of the initial shagger, who would then run down into the cacar parknd wave up at the woman in the window. Now that's comedy."