The Albion Roar
Having seen the rough cut, anyone who was 'there' during the war years will have their own take on how they'd tell the story. There are parts where I thought there was a bit to much of one thing, and not enough of something else. In the pub afterwards, the others felt that another aspect of the story wasn't covered as well as it could have been, while the bits I was concerned about were very well done. It's all subjective.I was quite excited when this was announced but feel the rags to amazing story has been told and covered across a plethora of different channels via youtube, sky, club content, so not really sure
The balancing act for the producers comes from - 'who are they telling the story to?' We collectively know what happened; we were there, so we all have in-built spoilers. They also have to tell the story to people who weren't there; to fans of other clubs. In that respect, they've hit a pretty decent balance, and the spirit of the journey is very much there.
I understand that, at the press viewing, the general consensus was that it is an amazing story, brilliantly told.