I think it's what Brexit has evolved into from what it was presented or sold as prior to the referendum, 2 completely different animals.
They were of the understanding once they voted leave, we would simply put the wheels in motion, it would be quick and painless and everything would be the same except we wouldn't have to pay subs to the EU and follow their rules meaning we would be immediately wealthier and free from bureacracy, meaning trade would be be simpler and products cheaper since we wouldn't have EU tarrifs on goods. Then we could take back control of immigration reduce the numbers which would drive up wages and control the numbers coming in while eradicating illegal migration.
Now, if that was what actually happened I would happily sit here and say I voted wrong, Brexit is great and we made a great decision.
I'm pretty sure many of those contributors mentioned would be crowing and actively engaging in the debate rather than simply dissapear. The real shame is that more don't demand what was voted for and defend their democracy and rights
I think the two most common (if not the only) Brexit 'wins' that are mentioned, are the mythical sovereignty and blue passports.