Yeah l absolutely love it, Lee Mack and Tim Vine feed off each other brilliiantly, and it is so so funny, though to be honest the reason l really watch it, is to see the gorgeous Miranda Hart, even though she only has a bit part.
Maybe Miranda isnt every red blooded male's idea of 'gorgeous', but she iis most certainly mine!.
Like it. Quite liked the yank flat-mate, she couldn't act at all, but was rather tasty.
I did like Lee Macks stand-up routine, but there were several places where I thought it was rather dated. He took somebodys glasses and did a "Eric Morcambe" - but you'd have to be over 30 to have even recognised the reference surely ? (although to be fair, most in the audience laguhed) There were one or two bits where I thought similar things.
Lee Mack live is tremendous. Everyone I know who has seen his "I'm so cockney it hurts" routine was in tears watching it. He's a top guy too.
"Not Going Out" is a shameless rip-off of his and Tim Vine's live acts but none the worse for it.