Paxton Dazo
Up The Spurs.
- Mar 11, 2007
- 9,719
Gimme Preston Park anyday. Proper part of Brighton.
The local residents are currently fighting developers plans to build more housing on the The Open House side of the station where there is a mini 'nature habitat' - not sure if that's the area you're referring to. Bloody disgraceful if it's allowed to happen.
There was talk a few years ago about opening up the old garden next to London Road station (Springfield Road side) as a "Pocket Park", but nothing ever came of it. The railway people had no objection to this, provided it was properly fenced.
Once upon a time, the land was used as an allotment by the staff of London Road station. And once upon a time, of course, London Road station had permanent, resident staff. And gas lights.
There's a 'mini nature habitat' by London Road station?
Is that the semi-derelict builders yard by any chance? Can't think of a single other place that comes anywhere close to fitting the description of a 'mini nature habitat' anywhere near London Road station.
Vivid imaginations, some people
I think they're talking about the thin strip of land - it's about 50 feet wide - between the Open House and the railway line.
Thought that might be the only conceivable other place they could be talking about. Complete bollocks non?
The application has gone in, in fact I think it went in last year...
On the rare occasions I've ever seen the ticket office open at London Road station, I've always been served by a bloke who's a dead ringer for the keyboard player out of Sparks
Found it on the council website...
It's for four terraced 2-bedroom houses. It's being appealed at a public inquiry.
Reasons for refusal
Reason 1
The Planning Policy Guidance Note 17: Sport and Recreation, states that existing open space should not be built on unless an assessment has been undertaken which clearly shows that the land is surplus to requirements. In the absence of an independent assessment carried out by the applicant it is considered that it has not been adequately demonstrated that the land is surplus to requirement and should not be retained as open space. Planning policy S1(L) of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011 and QD20 of the Brighton & Hove Local Plan seek to retain public and private open space except in exceptional circumstances, none of which have been identified. For these reasons the proposal is contrary to PPG17, policy S1(L) of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011, and policies QD20 and QD21 of the Brighton & Hove Local Plan.
Reason 2
The proposed development would have a detrimental impact on the Preston Park Conservation Area, by virtue of the loss of an important piece of open space which contributes to its character and appearance and as such fails to comply with policy HE6 of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan.
Reason 3
The proposed development, by reason if its siting, height and massing, would cause loss of light and outlook to and would have an over-bearing impact on the occupiers of no. 144 Springfield Road causing a detrimental impact to the levels of residential amenity currently enjoyed by occupiers of this building. As such the proposal is contrary to policy QD27 of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan.
Reason 4
The application fails to demonstrate how the proposal meets wider biodiversity aims and as such is contrary to policies QD17 and QD19 of the Brighton & Hove Local Plan.
Reason 5
The site is separated from the public highway and the applicant has failed to demonstrate how construction material would be moved onto the site and how ongoing servicing of the site would be undertaken. There is therefore potential for conflict with pedestrian users and the proposal is considered unsafe, contrary to Brighton and Hove Local Plan policies TR7 and TR8.
Reason 6
The proposed development fails to demonstrate that it will meet the travel demands from the site or contribute to improving sustainable transport methods. As such the proposal is contrary to policy TR1 of the Brighton & Hove Local Plan.
Reason 7
The application fails to demonstrate how the proposal would incorporate efficiency measures in terms of the use of energy, water or materials and as such is contrary to policy SU2 of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan.
Reason 8
The application fails to demonstrate how the proposal would minimise its impact on the 'heat island effect' and as such would be contrary to policy SU2 of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan and the Sustainable Building Design SPD08.
Reason 9
The application fails to demonstrate how the proposal would generate zero net annual CO2 from energy use and as such would be contrary to policy SU2 of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan and the Sustainable Building Design SPD08.
planning register - Brighton Hove City Council
there was a park off hartington rd up a passage and it backed onto a school it still there or have they built on that too?
If its the one I think you mean (bordered by Bondchurch road and Seville St) where the old railway went then the park is still there,
William Clark Park aka the Patch. Still there at the bottom of my road and Patchfest is next weekend.
Oh and was the London Road Station "garden" where the fox used to live?