I often thought I would like to. But I would probably eat my own shit and stubble to put my own skin back on ;-)
Have you been talking to Frank!
Here's a true story; a friend of mine during our college years organised a 'shroom' party at his house whilst his parents were away on holiday. He spent about a week setting up each room of the house; one room was full of soft things such as pillows, cushions, duvets, one room was covered in cling film, one in shiny things and so on and so on.
Come the day of the party, he had one dose and kicked everyone else out after half an hour they'd all developed an 'invisible force field' around them.
The only magic i need is the magic that Vicente's left boot provides
The only magic i need is the magic that Vicente's left boot provides
And for me the only mushrooms required are safe edible types you get at the supermarket-now those types i do like with a touch of salt and pepper and a sprinkling of chilli Garlic powder.
Fry them down in a none stick pan no oil, they are amazing on toast.
No, I would end up eating my own shit and struggling to put my skin back on.
ErI often thought I would like to. But I would probably eat my own shit and struggle to put my own skin back on ;-)
brilliantNo way would i have ever tried them,had a bad turn on some weed a long time ago,thought that if i stayed awake i would just convince myself to jump of a building because i could,yet scared shitless i would fall asleep and sleepwalk off one anyway-result was i tied myself to a bed with rope and belts..