Knocky's Nose
Mon nez est retiré.
Okay... this is a bit weird, but bear with me.
My 18 year old Son went to stay with his Grandparents, in the house his Great Grandparents lived in from the 1940's to the 1960's (my Grandad died young) and then the 80's when my Nan moved into a nursing home. It was the house I also grew up in.
He never met them as they both died long before he was born.
He woke up after his first night there and called me. "Dad, I had the most vivid and strange dream last night. It was like I was awake. I never have dreams like that. Did your Nana, have dark auburn hair - curly?"
The answer was yes, but I've never seen a photo of her when she was young. I only ever knew her with greying (then white) hair, but I remember her Sister telling me once when I was a small child what lovely Auburn hair she had when she was younger, and so curly.
"Well, she was painting the room I was sleeping in a light Purple colour, with a big brush?"
Her name was Violet. That used to be her bedroom.
Then, he says "Was your Grandad pretty bald?"
He was, from the age of about 19 he lost his hair pretty quickly.
"Well" he said, "It was really weird because the man was in overalls drawing these little things, like a line with a broken three pointed arrow below it pointing upwards - at intervals along the wall, in chalk. I have no idea what they were - I've never seen them before... So weird."
He was a Master Builder. My Son never knew that.
So... I parked outside the shops next to a park wall in Eastbourne last night, and saw this. I texted my Son a picture - and his reply was "OMG - yes, that's it !!"
My question is, what do these marks mean??
Obviously I expect heaps of sarcasm, cynicism, ridicule and so on (this is NSC after all
), but if someone knows what these are I'd be interested to know.

My 18 year old Son went to stay with his Grandparents, in the house his Great Grandparents lived in from the 1940's to the 1960's (my Grandad died young) and then the 80's when my Nan moved into a nursing home. It was the house I also grew up in.
He never met them as they both died long before he was born.
He woke up after his first night there and called me. "Dad, I had the most vivid and strange dream last night. It was like I was awake. I never have dreams like that. Did your Nana, have dark auburn hair - curly?"
The answer was yes, but I've never seen a photo of her when she was young. I only ever knew her with greying (then white) hair, but I remember her Sister telling me once when I was a small child what lovely Auburn hair she had when she was younger, and so curly.
"Well, she was painting the room I was sleeping in a light Purple colour, with a big brush?"
Her name was Violet. That used to be her bedroom.
Then, he says "Was your Grandad pretty bald?"
He was, from the age of about 19 he lost his hair pretty quickly.
"Well" he said, "It was really weird because the man was in overalls drawing these little things, like a line with a broken three pointed arrow below it pointing upwards - at intervals along the wall, in chalk. I have no idea what they were - I've never seen them before... So weird."
He was a Master Builder. My Son never knew that.
So... I parked outside the shops next to a park wall in Eastbourne last night, and saw this. I texted my Son a picture - and his reply was "OMG - yes, that's it !!"
My question is, what do these marks mean??
Obviously I expect heaps of sarcasm, cynicism, ridicule and so on (this is NSC after all