5 millionth post poster
Isn't the simple solution just to superglue some drawing pins onto the fence poll, works round my way
My cat has recently started to sit and talk to the plug socket in the hallway. She's always been mildly retarded, but I am worried she is now starting to lose the plot entirely.
If it makes you feel any better our kitten spends an amazing amount of time staring at the wall for no apparent reason and he's as fit as they come.My cat has recently started to sit and talk to the plug socket in the hallway. She's always been mildly retarded, but I am worried she is now starting to lose the plot entirely. She's still going to the loo in the right place, and still has a ridiculously healthy appetite, and is still very agile, so I'm not too concerned yet, but at 16 years old, if she is going senile, then she will just need that little bit more love and attention I guess. That said, she is currently sat glued to the cricket, she's always loved cricket, golf, snooker and darts!!! Think she may have been an old man's cat before she came to me!
I was tired and thats the only way I could describe what she sits on, at the time
here is a picture of her sitting on a "fence poll", you'll know what a fence poll is when you see it...
View attachment 55360
We have a 3 month old kitten who is a massive fan of sprinting all round the house and treating everything as one of his toys...normally, not a problem, but as we've now got a 16 day old baby in the house as well I spend half my time on edge that the fluffy cyclone will do something bad (though the chances are fairly slim really).
I have to say, we were a little concerned as to how the kitten would react (Little Gullflyinghigh turned up earlier than planned) but despite being an utter lunatic in every other way he's been golden around the young 'un, he gave him a sniff on the 2nd day and flumped down next to him...that was it.Mmm i have the same thing - Kitten - baby on the way.....
We have a 3 month old kitten who is a massive fan of sprinting all round the house and treating everything as one of his toys...normally, not a problem, but as we've now got a 16 day old baby in the house as well I spend half my time on edge that the fluffy cyclone will do something bad (though the chances are fairly slim really).
It may be hokum (sounds a bit like it) but we heard the same thing. In all honesty, we've got the caution of new first time parents going on as it is so there's no chance of us leaving them all alone in the same room!I don't know how true it is but I have heard that because cats are attracted to warmth, they have a tendency to sit on babies and are drawn to their warm breath and can accidently smother them by making themselves comfy. Obviously I doubt this would happen during the summer, but you do have to keep an eye on them.
It may be hokum (sounds a bit like it) but we heard the same thing. In all honesty, we've got the caution of new first time parents going on as it is so there's no chance of us leaving them all alone in the same room!