The Clamp
Well-known member
Mentis non est.The whole post is an absolute work of art. Never have I read so many sentences so many times and wondered what the writer might be trying to communicate.
Its like f***ing Keats or something . . . Or perhaps Hunter S Thompson.
Mental isn’t it.
Nanny state abd it’s bloody dangerous.
You cannot erase history or edit it.
People need to get a grip
and see history and society for what it once was,
bury their hands in the sand.
Really annoys me.
Lack of realism!!
Fade to darkness . Bloody brilliant.
Either way I am getting it tattooed on my back in Latin.
Cnnny status abd periculosum est cruentum.
Historiam delere vel recensere non potes.
Populus postulo ut a tenaci
et vide historiam et societatem quod olim fuit;
manus in sabulo sepeliunt.
Itane angit me.
Nullam realismus!
Makes more sense in Latin