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[Albion] abominable refereeing


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Sep 1, 2017
Deepest, darkest Sussex
Corrupt AF


Colonel Hee-Haw of Queen's Park
NSC Patron
Apr 5, 2014
Fabinho wasn't a dirty challenge in the sense that he made a miss-judgement. He knew it and was expecting to go- as he should have done.

The Mac challenge wasn't the referee's fault. It was a long ball and he was stuck in traffic. The linesman should have flagged.

The ref was fine. Liverpool were quite cynical and scored four yellows and, apart from the one VAR missed, that was fair. Albion put a few challenges in they got away with.

It's mainly the two most talked about challenges. One was down to VAR and the other the linesman.

Anyway, Albion are through. I just hope the draw is kind on this occasion.
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I changed this.
Jul 28, 2011
Something needs to be done.

It feels like these fools can make terrible decisions week after week and not be held to account at all.

Is there some sort of review panel that look at refereeing performances? If not, why? If there is, why isn't any detail made public?

It cannot continue like this. It just can't.

They talk about respect and then have games like today? Respect is earned you black-clad fuckwits. Be better.


Dangerous Idiot
Jun 21, 2012
Born In Shoreham
Something needs to be done.

It feels like these fools can make terrible decisions week after week and not be held to account at all.

Is there some sort of review panel that look at refereeing performances? If not, why? If there is, why isn't any detail made public?

It cannot continue like this. It just can't.

They talk about respect and then have games like today? Respect is earned you black-clad fuckwits. Be better.
I don’t understand how Europe don’t seem to have this ref issue every match day they are very efficient most of the time.

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