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[Albion] A BHAFC official club podcast?


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2011
I hope it's not an official podcast.

I see Ryan Adsett (seagulls Social) is promoting Talk Seagulls on twitter.
Could be that.

Edit: he's been promoting that for a couple of weeks. So probably not

We're the Stripes

Well-known member
Jul 31, 2005
Used to be Stephen Grant back in the day, didn't it? Before Albion Unlimited and a host of independent Albion pods started up.


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2003
Used to be Stephen Grant back in the day, didn't it? Before Albion Unlimited and a host of independent Albion pods started up.
Haven't seen an official one of any sort for ages. Although the weekly independent pods are the best: Seagulls Social, Together BHA and Brighton Rock are regularly listened to on my commute.

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