Sarah Watts and Liz Costa both post on here, there usernames are The Large One and Hove Born&Bred respectively.
NSC by comparison is merely a collection of wanking threads and wishful thinking, at least when you're not all talking about football.
broad minded women are far more filthy when all together than men could ever be
Sarah Watts and Liz Costa both post on here, there usernames are The Large One and Hove Born&Bred respectively.
Its fair to say there used to be a lot more female posters a few years back.
The Daft Bints they were collectively known as.... only a few survivors from those days i think..
Broad minded? Here?
Where I work I'm the only female on a team of about fifteen blokes, now there I have to be broad minded as I don't expect them to tiptoe around me on that basis.
NSC by comparison is merely a collection of wanking threads and wishful thinking, at least when you're not all talking about football. You don't need to be broad minded, you just learn what bores you and which people and threads to ignore.
Some of you remind me of Jay from the Inbetweeners actually. All talk and no action
are you a lesbian out of interest ? not a pop
are you a lesbian out of interest ? not a pop