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9/11 : Ten Years?!


Throbbing Member
Oct 22, 2008
I don't care what people believe or don't believe but on the 11th September 2001 i lost a brother who worked for Morgan stanley,i will never forget or forgive.GOD BLESS MY u always.x

I'm sorry for your loss, champion7.

I also have friends that were deeply affected by the atrocity.

No, we will never, ever forget.

God bless your brother and God bless you too.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
Oh dear, you're just not gonna let this lie, are you?

Exactly as I said before: you have nothing of substance to add, so you throw insults.

We can all throw insults mate, but I'll try to be a little more constructive:

You're a troll. You're in the top 5 NSC trolls. You waste unfathomable amounts of time on this site - 27,267 posts to date - throwing your bigoted views around on just about everything: religion, race, politics.. even football sometimes.. but you are an expert on NONE of these things, are you? A 'Jack-of-all', that knows virtually jack-shit about anything.

So when someone comes along with relatively detailed knowledge of a topic but you don't agree with them, you and your fellow trolls attempt to fish, bait and insult those people into silence.

Well not with me, pal.

Just because you may be too thick to follow the logic, too lazy to care about the facts or simply too angry to have a reasonable conversation doesn't make you right and everyone else wrong.

P.S. I really would prefer to save this until after 9/11. It's not appropriate today. Surely even you can see that?

The whole thread has been inappropriate and was posted a couple of days before the 10th anniversary so I am with NMH. You have to understand this topic causes deep feelings and all the crap posted on here is bound to wind people up. I suggest you maybe show a little more empathy in future when you deal with contentious subject matters.


Oct 17, 2010

i do not think a plane even went into the buildings.

this image of CNN footage shows the building rebuild itself....


Obviously the fake footage points to no planes entering the 2 towers.

What needs to be ascertained now is, was a CGI plane inserted into real footage as shown in the ghost plane video.
Or was the whole footage assembled in a studio using geo referencing google earth type software, sim city, digital composting layering etc technology. Because all the live 2nd hit footage came from the same studio.
Finding out where the footage was assembled is obviously the key to unravelling 9/11.

So if going along with what you believe what happened to the planes and their passengers?

There are numerous theories as to what happened to the planes & passengers.
The 2 American Airlines planes were actually officially doumented in the Bureau Transport Statistics (BTS) as never having taken off that day.
The flight passenger lists were probably just fabricated. When you research the flight lists, you find out that the more high profile celebrity passengers have the better back stopping. Some of these celebrities obviously exist/ed. Who knows where they are now though.
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Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
Give it up. I can't be arsed to look at all the stuff you posted but are you seriously saying the planes did not exist and were superimposed on the Towers with some sort of projection machine ?.

Seriously have a lie down mate.


Oct 17, 2010
Give it up. I can't be arsed to look at all the stuff you posted but are you seriously saying the planes did not exist and were superimposed on the Towers with some sort of projection machine ?.

Seriously have a lie down mate.

No ! I don't believe in the hologram theory. Just that the footage it self was fake.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003


Active member
Oct 8, 2008
Brightonian in Manchester
Obviously the fake footage points to no planes entering the 2 towers.

What needs to be ascertained now is, was a CGI plane inserted into real footage as shown in the ghost plane video.
Or was the whole footage assembled in a studio using geo referencing google earth type software, sim city, digital composting layering etc technology. Because all the live 2nd hit footage came from the same studio.Finding out where the footage was assembled is obviously the key to unravelling 9/11.

There are numerous theories as to what happened to the planes & passengers.
The 2 American Airlines planes were actually officially doumented in the Bureau Transport Statistics (BTS) as never having taken off that day.
The flight passenger lists were probably just fabricated. When you research the flight lists, you find out that the more high profile celebrity passengers have the better back stopping. Some of these celebrities obviously exist/ed. Who knows where they are now though.

Im not sure if this has been mentioned as ive not read the whole thread but there is footage of the second plane hitting taken from the ground as the plane flies directly overhead and hits the second tower, pretty sure its taken from the chap who happened to be filming and making a documentary that day about the firefighters.


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
Because all the live 2nd hit footage came from the same studio.

but it doesn't, there are a couple of dozen different films covering this, and thousands of direct eye witnesses that saw a plane hit the second tower. just because you and some others cant get your tiny mind round the idea that two US networks might have been the same footage, it doesnt mean theres only one source. it beggers believe this is even considered odd, TV stations routinly syndicate footage when they are first on the scene or have the best shot. this is typical of those that seek conspiracy everywhere, twisting reality and common knowledge and sence to exclude rational, simple possibilities, in favor of more complex ones.


New member
Aug 13, 2004
Give it up. but are you seriously saying the planes did not exist and were superimposed on the Towers with some sort of projection machine ?.

Seriously have a lie down mate.

can you explain this.

the f14 was invented in the 60's, the internet in the 70's, rocket technology in the early 40's, technology is always 20 years ahead of the public......there is a guy who talked about a superweapon being used for 9/11 - he was killed soon afterwards when he was giving a lecture (pain in the head) - i will dig out some info on him when i get time.

as for the thousands of witnesses who saw planes - i have never known of these thousands of witnesses.


Feb 8, 2005
There are numerous theories as to what happened to the planes & passengers.
The 2 American Airlines planes were actually officially doumented in the Bureau Transport Statistics (BTS) as never having taken off that day.
The flight passenger lists were probably just fabricated. When you research the flight lists, you find out that the more high profile celebrity passengers have the better back stopping. Some of these celebrities obviously exist/ed. Who knows where they are now though.

In all honesty I have no idea how to start responding to that but wow


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
can you explain this.

the key to this is the mist, the projection bounces off the diffuse water to be bent towards the viewer. without some form of material, a screen, glass, particle spray, you cant get light to just bend off to somewhere other than its original trajectory. another problem with holograms, and to this line of conspriacy theory, is that you can only project the image in a very narrow range. for 360deg cover you would have to project 360deg. maybe theres was a spinning wheel sited in the middle of the plaza, maybe projected from space though blue beam or whatnot. still doesnt solve the problem of nothing to reflect the light off to the viewer.

still doesnt solve the f***ing airplane wheel found at the foot of one of the towers prior to collapse.

as for the thousands of witnesses who saw planes - i have never known of these thousands of witnesses.

??? ive never known a witness of Stalin, does this mean he didnt exist? or are you trying to say theres no record of these witnesses? maybe its possible that on the day of the entire western world watching the twin towers, not a single person in NYC was actually looking up at them. maybe, but i doubt it.
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The Wizard

Well-known member
Jul 2, 2009
There are hundreds of different camera angles and eye witness accounts, fuselage and various over plane pieces were found in the ruins. To even suggest the planes didn't crash that day is not fathomable to me. Conspiracies that have basis can be worth discussing to disprove/prove them but this just has no basis and no legs to it.


Oct 17, 2010
Im not sure if this has been mentioned as ive not read the whole thread but there is footage of the second plane hitting taken from the ground as the plane flies directly overhead and hits the second tower, pretty sure its taken from the chap who happened to be filming and making a documentary that day about the firefighters.

That is alleged footage of the first plane hitting.


New member
Aug 13, 2004
the key to this is the mist, the projection bounces off the diffuse water to be bent towards the viewer. without some form of material, a screen, glass, particle spray, you cant get light to just bend off to somewhere other than its original trajectory. another problem with holograms, and to this line of conspriacy theory, is that you can only project the image in a very narrow range. for 360deg cover you would have to project 360deg. maybe theres was a spinning wheel sited in the middle of the plaza, maybe projected from space though blue beam or whatnot. still doesnt solve the problem of nothing to reflect the light off to the viewer.

still doesnt solve the f***ing airplane wheel found at the foot of one of the towers prior to collapse.

??? ive never known a witness of Stalin, does this mean he didnt exist? or are you trying to say theres no record of these witnesses? maybe its possible that on the day of the entire western world watching the twin towers, not a single person in NYC was actually looking up at them. maybe, but i doubt it.

you have contradicted yourself.

you posted that just because only 1500 experts say the official story is nonsense, that cannot be accepted as there are other experts who have yet to air any views.

but now you say because a few people allegedly saw a plane go into a tower that this must be taken as gospel.



if one researches the brothers who were filming that day then you will find some strange things....i don't have the time to post it all and dig it out - but if your interested look into it yourself, and the guy who was allegedly filming near battery park - and a particular phone call to him when he says "the footage is now with the CIA and i cannot speak about it."

here is a link - 9/11 for dummies - 5 FACTS one needs to know.

after the event the highly suggestible traumatized mind was immediately imprinted the narrative by a thoroughly complicit media:

1. "We have been attacked! Never before has the American mainland been attacked!"
2. "It was outside terrorists! - the ones we've been telling you about! Muslim terrorists did this despicable deed."
3. "We must attack back to defend freedom! Our bastion of freedom must now root out terrorism everywhere!"
4. "There will be sacrifices. To protect you we're going to have to limit your freedoms...all in your best interest of course."

3000 people die and everyone is tripping over themselves, but 500,000 kids were killed in Iraq after 9/11 and no one gave a shit - this is severe toxicity within the collective tribal mind of the majority of 9/11 official report believers.


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
you have contradicted yourself.

you posted that just because only 1500 experts say the official story is nonsense, that cannot be accepted as there are other experts who have yet to air any views.

but now you say because a few people allegedly saw a plane go into a tower that this must be taken as gospel.

it would be a contradiction if the two points were mutually dependant, or if i said either of those things. i discount the value of the 1500 AE911 members on the grounds they are such a tiny minority of the engineering and architectute profession (and that the theories they support are contradictory in themselves, see thermite and explosions). i dont say a "few" eye witnesses should be taken as gospel, witnesses are knwon to be unreliable and many may have been mistaken or not seen anything (wrong side of build and you'd just see an explosion). but thousands of people did see something and they cant all be misguided or inventing it. even the mainstream conspiracy sites accept there were witnesses to this event, otherwise they wouldnt need to propose remote controled military drones or hologramatic projections in the first place.

i dont know when this "no plane" theory popped up, but methinks its based on spotty teenagers trawling through shitty quality low res images to find things and creating this new idea from . like all conspiracies gone to far it doesnt even make sence, why bother pretending there are planes and just set explosives in the towers? couple of well placed rigged photocopiers easier than the proposed tonnage of explosives/thermite required to bring the towers down.

to question who was responsible or how actions occured is fair game for debate and conspiracy. to questioned the basic premise of 9/11, that two planes crashed into the towers, is fantasy and i dont really think you believe it either.

(and your "facts" link offers only one, that no plane hit WTC7. the rest is distortions, misrepresentation and opinion. one could debate the points all day long but to claim 5 "facts" is an gross misuse of the word, they are questions or points for discussion).
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Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
The fantasy World the conspiracists inhabit is very sad. One thing not mentioned is that Bin Laden would have had to have been in on the whole thing. He and Al Queda have claimed responsibility. If he knew they did not do it and it was an inside job, surely he would have blown the whistle as this would have destroyed the USA and the USA government more than he could ever do. No, you are all deluded and as such its impossible to have a debate with you.


Throbbing Member
Oct 22, 2008
The whole thread has been inappropriate and was posted a couple of days before the 10th anniversary so I am with NMH. You have to understand this topic causes deep feelings and all the crap posted on here is bound to wind people up. I suggest you maybe show a little more empathy in future when you deal with contentious subject matters.

Well if the thread was inappropriate then why didn't the mods take it down last week? Has the Wizard been banned for starting it? I hope not.

But the thing is, I've not been posting 'crap', as you put it, have I? I'm not espousing far-fetched theories about ghost aircraft or missiles. I've been attempting to have a meaningful discourse about the facts as we are expected to believe them, only to be met with insults and derision. Have a think about that and then tell me who's being disrespectful to the victim's memories?

I have nothing but sympathy and empathy for the victims of 9/11, Uncle S. I have friends deeply affected by the attacks. Some of my family is from the tri-state area. I've lived in New England, flown through Logan and the NY airports many, many times. I was living in the US on 9/11. It affected me mate.

What's inappropriate, in my opinion, is that 3,000 people died that day and still no-one has forced the authorities to conduct a proper criminal investigation.

What's inappropriate are the reactions of those over here, with absolutely no connection to the attacks, or even the US, who get abusive just because someone wants to debate the veracity of the official story.

Personally, I think it's an insult to the memories of the dead, and to their families, if we don't at least try to find out what really happened to them.

Not only that, every time we let our governments get away with these sorts of charades then we're just making it easier for them to con us again in the future.

The Wizard

Well-known member
Jul 2, 2009
The whole thread has been inappropriate and was posted a couple of days before the 10th anniversary so I am with NMH. You have to understand this topic causes deep feelings and all the crap posted on here is bound to wind people up. I suggest you maybe show a little more empathy in future when you deal with contentious subject matters.

Sorry if you feel this is an inappropriate thread, it wasn't meant to offend anyone was just interested in peoples views, obviously subjected like this get heated however its a debate, people have different opinions, i personally don't feel its inappropriate but as I said I apologise if its offended you.
Well if the thread was inappropriate then why didn't the mods take it down last week? Has the Wizard been banned for starting it? I hope not.

But the thing is, I've not been posting 'crap', as you put it, have I? I'm not espousing far-fetched theories about ghost aircraft or missiles. I've been attempting to have a meaningful discourse about the facts as we are expected to believe them, only to be met with insults and derision. Have a think about that and then tell me who's being disrespectful to the victim's memories?

I have nothing but sympathy and empathy for the victims of 9/11, Uncle S. I have friends deeply affected by the attacks. Some of my family is from the tri-state area. I've lived in New England, flown through Logan and the NY airports many, many times. I was living in the US on 9/11. It affected me mate.

What's inappropriate, in my opinion, is that 3,000 people died that day and still no-one has forced the authorities to conduct a proper criminal investigation.

What's inappropriate are the reactions of those over here, with absolutely no connection to the attacks, or even the US, who get abusive just because someone wants to debate the veracity of the official story.

Personally, I think it's an insult to the memories of the dead, and to their families, if we don't at least try to find out what really happened to them.

Not only that, every time we let our governments get away with these sorts of charades then we're just making it easier for them to con us again in the future.

Absolutely 100% agree with that, well put.

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