Under RDZ it didn't matter what the situation was we played out from the back and this often led to screw ups. It also meant we utilised our 3rd best goal stopper because he was better with his feet. We lost Sanchez and didn't use Bart anywhere near as much as we should have. Now there is no...
From my understanding it's not that we want to sell our "star" players, rather they get an offer they don't want to turn down and we, albeit for the right amount of compensation, won't stand in their way. So it's not a question of can sell JP and Mitoma or 5 other players for a similar return...
As so many of us keep on saying, it's a new extremely talented but young and inexperienced squad including the manager. It was always going to take time and a few f'ups to get the right approach. I don't think we are close to our full potential. If TB can hang onto this squad then next season...
Not sure what time it was when they scored from the free kick with only a couple of minutes to go, well after 3am, so I closed the lid on the laptop in defeat and rolled over to get some sleep. Then I decided not to be such a crap loser and watch to the end, thank goodness. Mind you I am...
Firstly don't be daft he is playing really well, and defenders are always on the line regarding a second yellow, he should have been subbed off. Secondly, what was that about losing the game.
Well from my perspective I think this is utterly pointless and at the same time unaware of who you are talking about. Added to this I am not sure why people are calling for a boycott, I guess it's many and varied reasons. But then I can think of reasons to boycott products made in many other...
The issue I have with the judicial system is that it can get bogged down in technicalities, especially the appeals process. This would appear to be a classic case where a lot of experts are calling for a mistrial but the parameters for granting one are so narrow these calls are in danger of...
Nothing is perfect, and the jury can only go by what they are presented with. From what I have heard the "expert" who testified for the prosecution is somewhat iffy. There are enough people who understand the details speaking out for there to be a retrial. Don't forget part of the justice system...
From what I have read it is all circumstantial and the diaries are very much open to interpretation. It is enough for me that so many respected experts are prepared to put their necks out speaking against how the trial and evidence were run. I can think of very few things worse than being locked...
Yep and I remember all those saying we shouldn't sign him as he'd be an expensive, entitled twat ect ect ect. You have to wonder when the naysayers will wake up and realise we are one of the most intelligently run clubs and take a chill pill.