... when a young hungarian guy got his first PC with a game called: Premier Manager 97. He tried to choose between the lowest seat capacity teams, so Barnet or Brighton? But the seagulls are cool, and Barnet has shit colours so Brighton.
...and years after when he had some tries in the internet...
Hungary had its own borders which had nothing to do with Austria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire from 1000 to 1920. The result of this unfair peace agreement is that 3,3 million hungarians were outside the new borders... Lost nearly 200000 km2 and many ancient cities...
Thats true. We joined Mr. Adolf to help us getting justice about losing 2/3 part of our 1000 year country after WWI. But as far as I know Hitler have to convince and threaten Horthy to join the attack in Russia. So he delayed the german occupation with this deicison for 3 years. And we did not...
So because of 1 year of AC regime the hungarians wanted 40 years of red terror, thousands of deaths in 1956 for themselves? I dont think so. Rathyer your goverment, and your american friends gave us to Mr. Stalin as a present. And he wanted us.
Bogdán is good, a natural class I think, but have some mistakes and still inconsistent. But for example he saved our ass in Estonia in the latest WC qualifying round...