How are you describing the Tory financial policies then? Debt more than tripled and record poverty, services cut, assets sold off and a huge catalogue of avoidable errors that would dwarf Gordon Brown selling off gold even if it was free to store and went for a penny a ton.
Recently a friend of my boy was chatting about his family and mentioned he'd never really met his grandad because they died while he was a baby and that he didn't know much about him but thought he had been an actor.
Oh what's his name I might have heard of him?
Being a responsible sort these...
I used to drink a lot with Tom Hardy's cousin, who was also a good looking bugger if not as good a looking bugger as his famous cousin.
I also shagged one of Liz Hurleys cousins, alas in that case she had absolutely none of the family looks and I hid away for several days in a friends room...
Also worth pointing out that large land owners were given public land to turn over to farming during the war and we've never got it back.
Mind you I'm still bitter about the inclosure acts.
Well I'd rather they just taxed the billionaires who have sucked up our wealth and the wealth of our descendants over the years of austerity but I'm not entirely against this.
Besides they can all blame Clarkson for buying a farm and boasting about how it meant he avoided inheritance tax. Put a...
Ferguson scoring would bring you joy and possibly lead to many more joyous occasions for you.
England beating Ireland would be slightly above meh and just be another step on the road towards disappointment .
Because I had thought it lost and have recently found it my massive Together in the Premier League flag that Bruno's missus handed me as I perched atop a lamppost.
Strict gun control came after the Hungerford massacre.
While we have a dangerous dogs act and a few breeds banned enough people have been killed or suffered life changing injuries since then that more draconian laws seem justified.
Expanding the topic while I love dogs I wouldn't have one...
It's not Jews, it's Israel.
Conflating the two doesn't help.
The number of kids shot through the head by snipers while engaged in terrorist activities like crossing the road suggests at least some Israelis have targeted them deliberately.
Obviously you should never try and kick someone's head in. Though if I had to find a circumstance it's acceptable in a bunch of hooligans glorying in killing kids would be right up there.