must be the laughing stock in International Cricket. With our current form I don't think we'd even beat Zimbabwe or Bangladesh or the Faroe Islands ( if they had a team )
Pack your bags and come home boys, you are embarrassing yourselves and our nation !!!!!
According to the BBC web site, the Gills are hoping to move to a new home in 2010.
That would really piss me right off.
3 years !!!!!!!!!!!
If we move to Falmer say in 2010 that is 13 years !!!:censored:
stick Nathan Elder up front against Millwall.
I would. He's probably chomping at the bit and raring to go and worth a gamble. Not a lot has happened with the current front two for 3 or 4 games now and probably the time is right to try something/one different.
I'd have him start the first half...
That's defeats after tomorrow nights game as I cannot see us getting anything out of it myself.
Starting to look very dismal indeed.:nono:
I'd like Wilkins to stick Elder in for this one and see how here fares.
I'm refering to the journalists who write the football reports. Do they actually go to the games and do they know anyhting about football.
I've just read the report on the West Brom game against Leeds at the weekend.
Read: West Brom striker McShane !!!! ( er no he's a defender)
and scot...
Do they actually check all the ticket stubs.
I ask because I've got an adult ticket and an U16 ticket. The U16 tkt won't be used but a mate of mine wants to come along to the Carlisle game ( he's 39 and might not pass for an under 16 !!!! )
He's more than happy to buy a full price ticket and...
A week ago some friends of ours ( Alison & Paulo ) contacted us to tell us their 6 month old son has been was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
Earlier today we had a call telling us that Paulo ( the dad) was killed in a road traffic accident in Oxfordshire.
Life is so precious yet can be so...
The new log fire is in place, the chimney's been swept, so there is absolutely no excuses this year as to why you won't be climbing down my chimney pot this year and slipping me or the mrs one or two.....woof woof !! ......pressies.
( unless of course I leave the log fire burning all night )...
I'm going to see the Albion for the 1st time this season which I'm afarid can only mean one thing...................
To give you an idea as to why that's a bad thing, I've not seen an Albion home win since October 2003 !!!!!!!!!!
Yes I know I don't go that often but that's about 22 home games...
The difference between
MS Windows XP Home
MS Windows XP Office
MS Windows XP Professional
MS Windows XP Media Center
I've seen a Laptop I quite like which has Windows XP Media Center installed. Most seem to have XP Home
Is anyone better than the othe ?
HELP !!!!
Am thinking getting rid of my desk top ( getting on a little ) and going down the route of a wireless set up and a Laptop instead of a desk top.
Are they easy to set up and do they work well ? and what experiences/problems have you encountered if you have gone down this route ?
Any advise...
I have just about lost interest in this season already, which is unheard of. I also have no intention of going to watch the team play this season either.
If I'm to spend £23 or whatever it is now I expect to be entertained. I'm sorry but I wouldn't even spend £10 to see this absolute drivel...
Not very up on computer software so perhaps someone can answer this question.
I'm looking to buy a Laptop ( possibly off Ebay ) and some of the Laptops are advertised with Windows XP Professional.
Does this mean it with have WORD & EXCEL ?
Someone also said that I could port Windows 98...
Managers Job
I read that DK has received a number of high quality applications for the managers post, but I'd also be interested to know how many not so high quality applications have dropped on his desk. (i.e timewasters whose life work experience to date has included a summer stint in...
Unless I'm mistaken ( and I don't think I am ) Of the last 100 league games played the Albion have only won 2 of those games by 2 clear goals !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's 46 league games in 2004/05
46 league games in 2005/06
and 8 so far this season.
:nono: :eek: