I may just be naive but I hadn't realised football clubs were claiming R&D tax credits for research and innovation in 'sports science' etc. Any NSC accountants know anything about this (and the football implications)? I knew it happened a lot in other businesses, sometimes dubiously /...
'No shit Sherlock' you might say to the above statement as shown on https://crimespotlight.uk/ but where do we go next so that reporting a crime turns into real action that reduces re-occurence? Nearly everyone knows someone affected by crime that has led to inaction / no resolution. I'm sure...
I've started to see a few optimists trying to make sense of a post-Trump2 world and I thought this was interesting. I've always admired Alex Washburne's scientific rigour...
I noticed a newish feature on my 23andme account recently where archaeological DNA from specific individuals from digs etc has been added to comparisons showing (in my case) small percentage matches with various Vikings (including an unusual burial in Estonia that had been in a tv documentary)...
Hope some of you eligible NSC correspondents have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews etc eligible to apply for the Albion internships so you can add the ITK designation to your names....
Any suggestions for (pref seafront or close but not essential) venue within 5 mins or so stroll from the Metropole to book for exclusive hire for a couple of hours (3pm-5pm) one mid-week afternoon in July, space for 100 people theatre style plus some spare space for networking. Could be a bar /...
For anyone feeling hard done by on anything at the moment just remember that at least you can come to a ground with beer on tap and a decent, friendly atmosphere (as I did on Sunday and even with Mothers Day absences!) I'd be harder put to do that...
Our Roma matches bring an interesting owner snapshot of European football - DF with his inherited, immense wealth and TB our wily gambler.......so who would win and why? Deep pockets vs smart mover?