I think I can beat the lot but can't prove it as I lost most of my personal possessions in a divorce settlement.
So back in the mid 70s I got the autograph of none other than Mr Superbad at some kind of event on Beach Green Lancing. My sister knew who he was, I had no idea and still not much...
I agree with the suggestion of a separate account for moderators to post from in the forums. If only to ignore the sniping and personal vendettas against certain other users.
So when I get the chance I post photos of toucans, or giant macaws and parrots that eat from our papaya trees, because I never get bored of seeing them. Imagine my surprise when I saw plain old sparrows here in the tropics a couple of weeks ago.
Of course it's a first world problem. Doesn't stop things from being discussed and being amusing in a Grumpy Old Men kind of way.
If all we are allowed to discuss is war, pestilence and famine without that being bandied around every time this would be a pretty depressing place like the rest of...