I thought we joined Europe in 1973 …and then held a referendum in 1975 where you needed 60% to leave? If I’m wrong then I apologise but if I’m right that stinks
In situations where a super majority is required to change constitutional laws- not undemocratic
In a straight yes or no vote in a once in a lifetime referendum whereby if the supermajority is not achieved then we simply go with the status quo ….. not democratic at all
Just because you approved of the 60-40 vote doesn’t make it right or democratic HWT
Personally I’m not in favour of referendums at all, if we had a show of hands on who wants to pay less tax I think I know how it would go!!
If I remember correctly, the promise of a referendum was in the Conservative manifesto in 2015 before the general election … they cobbled it together to keep the right of the party in line pre election- labour SNP and liberal were all remain parties but somehow the tories won the election
The answer is Truss and the framing of the question is irrelevant… since Thatcher?….try since the turn of the twentieth century (I’m not familiar with Prime Ministers of the nineteenth century but I’d hazard a guess Truss still wins)
No doubt you’re right but this instance would be like an airline pilot riding a pushbike, Sir Keir is so over qualified to deal with this.
Even if he isn’t - the Labour Party legal team make the assessment and then the leader can come out and categorically support the deputy leader.
…and how about before the police investigation? ….. meeting between Chief Whip, Leader if the Opposition, Deputy Leader, Party legal team ….. let’s get out in front of this before the media chime in - publish all evidence and make categorical 100% support statement….. then you can say nothing to...
Tge solution is so simple it beggars belief that it hasn’t happened yet…
Joint statement from Sir Keir Starmer and Angela Raynor:
SKS “We are today publishing the legal advice given in this case , I myself have seen the advice and can tell you as a lawyer that there is absolutely no case to...
Angela Raynor Hoo-Ha.
Firstly , let’s be clear no amount of negative media coverage of this subject is going to affect the result of the next general election, we have a Labour government in waiting and virtually nothing can change that. Sir John Curtice has said that if the 2 biggest polling...
What percentage of Pringles is actually potato?
Ingredients. Pringles have about 42%potato content, the remainder being wheat starch and flours (corn and rice) combined with vegetable oils, an emulsifier, salt, and seasoning
I saw a thing on the internet that said there was no potato at all in PRINGLES …?? I didn’t check it out but I have no problem believing that they are 100% processed food.
I’m not in favour of Pringles to be honest
I’m automatically logged on every time I go on here?? Just tap n into google search on iPhone…hit north stand chat and hit big board and it opens with me logged in - has done since the day I joined. Bizarre post
In a way this is a bit of a reality check for me because I have to admit, I have been disappointed at times and as much as all of my toys are still in my pram and I’m not chaining myself to the Amex gates with an RDZ out placard…. I’m now wondering what the hell I was thinking at those moments...