The league is free...when I play football I have to pay £25 to sign up for the league and then £8 subs each week. Badminton was £25 for the league, and £5 pound each week.
It will suit people that can’t commit to certain days because of busy schedules and therefore cannot attend a club. It will...
The cost of the court get split between the both of you. Bookings also must be made by one of you; as between you both you get to decide which centre you want to play at. Check out the website
Come on guys, give it a go for free. If you get 3 people to sign up then you will be awarded another league for free. to find out more.
Football Fans,
Down The Line is a multi-sports league provider based in Brighton.
Our goal is to give more people the opportunity to play the sport that they love, competitively. Whether you are a beginner or an expert there is a league for everyone.
The first sport we have chosen to start...