Another thoroughly enjoyable evening put on by the club last night.
I had the chance to have a good chat with both Liam Bridcutt and Chris Wood and asked both about next season. Liam said that nothing had been discussed yet, other than being told to hang on until the club knew which division...
Interestting how his last 3 runs(this one included) have seen him moved inside to accomodate another wide runner. Is this having any bearing on his latest results? Obviously the step up to A3 has come very quickly, but is he better out wide, or is there not a lot in it?
A mate of mine is an electrician and he says if he knew then what he knows now, he'd have chosen to be a plumber. He was always going to be a tradesman and thought that being a sparky was the one for him, but after 20 years of building sites and coming home covered in shite, he says he may as...
I tried to arrange a hospitality package for the Southampton game back in September and was told then it was a non-starter, but if anybody can swing it Paul Rogers is the man
oh and to add, he's difficult to get hold of by phone but always answers his e-mails
I read in a Pablo Escobar biog that he took something 60% of the transfer fee when Faustino Asprilla left Medellin(?) for one of the big Italian clubs.
He was also "imprisoned" in his own castle, complete with cinema, and his own watchmen under agreement from the Columbian government - just so...
A4 is another great promotion for him, hopefully he can hold his own in what looks like a quick field..
I'm working in Northampton all weekend and travelling back Sunday, if I make it back in time i'll pop in to watch this one. If not, good luck Benny!!
Forgive my ignorance but whats a non-travelling reserve? Do they have a subs bench of dogs who go, but probably won't run? And then these non-travelling reserves who get called up if they know a dog isn't going to make it a while before the meet....