Then you are a very laudable owner that deserves the profit eventually on your increased property value. Hopefully.
I wont change my mind though I don't like the professional buy to let owner. Too many are not civil minded. Far from it!
If there has to be a decimation of the 'buy-to-let' landlord 'greed scheme' then what? More homes (By Govn't) need to be built. I am in favour of exterminating the 'buy-to-let' owner and socially building more affordable rentals or purchase choices. Take from the aid budget if necessary. Private...
Brexit will happen in whatever form, however it will mean the days of Brussels non-entities having power over us are limited. Whatever form it takes after that is debateable. Everyone now needs to support leaving to secure the best deal.
Will you support the efforts or fight against them?
I'm not supporting either and I think Hilary will win in the end but, I consider both woefully inadequate for such an important job. If Hilary wins her presidency it will be full of trauma as would a Trump presidency.
If it wasn't serious I would find Trump and Hilary most amusing. Trouble is the brain dead Americans have these two fools to choose from. Dangerous fools both of them!