Big 'Bomb' or little bomb? Big one and we are gone too. Maybe the hamster face is our doom or is he politically devious? Putin I meant not
WW3 either from the outcome of a 'leave vote' to HRC or Trump in the whitehouse or migration problems. So many sparks for WW3 to chose from...........:wink:
Maybe a fair gamble if attractive odds for the Chump?
Frightening isn't it when young women alone and plastered are trying to get home after 2.30am.
I was once a cabbie in Hove/Brighton myself. Rules were much tighter without slackness and deregulation once upon a time.
I guess most peoples main concern when taking a cab is 'how much is this going to cost me?'
Lots more to it than that though in a community/social sense.Trustworthiness, registration, DBS checks. A knowledge without relying on satnav. Fluent English in understanding as well as speech...
Too little too late. HRC doesn't deserve the presidency but the neither does Trump. What a mess. Fun though isn't it? Light relief from the Brexit bruhaha!