No Lincoln. I was referring to a particular document to restrict freedom of speech by radicals. Did you read the document or even look it up? No? Didn't think so. The parameters are so vague that the rules could be used to silence EU dissenters. Just like the 30's at the beginning of the third...
Promoting human rights huh? this if you want. DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL
on combating terrorism and replacing Council Framework Decision 2002/475/JHA on
combating terrorism...........the don't just want to attack REAL terrorists but 'radicals'. All...
The correct answer and the conclusion that news feed readers (whoever the publisher may be) will come to. The media can infer what they like and often do.
Within the arguments of law you are entirely correct but the assumption among 'lay people' would be 'there's something wrong with that one' Deranged behavior has many labels and medical descriptions. Take your pick.
I agree. I was being sarcastic perhaps I should have annotated my post as such. However we should reduce our foreign aid budget to finance these things.
The original post is tasteless speculation. Could also be construed as designed to prompt the unstable to really consider it. What next? Gina Miller perhaps?
There is no timespan on remembering. Nor should there be a 'timespan' for poppies. Celebrating remembering and pride in those that lost their today for yours is admirable. Add in too that they provide you with your right to disagree with it. You have exercised your right however distasteful it...