Just because she was born in Britain does not necessarily mean she is British or entitled to British nationality. Since 1983 it depends on various factors, mostly her parents, whether she is British.
I always thought the ref does not ball watch but looks at the area where the ball is expected to arrive. This is quite noticeable at corners and set pieces.
His views were deplorable 40 years ago by today's standards and norms, was this actually true 40 years ago or were his reactions more the norm at the time ?
According to the Oxford dictionary milk is 'an opaque white fluid rich in fat and protein, secreted by female mammals for the nourishment of their young.'
Perhaps the stuff made from other stuff shouldn't be called milk at all.
I'm glad you agree it is my choice. It has been discussed, debated and challenged. Now get on and accept not everyone has made the same choices as yourself.
It's starting to sound like a nagging partner, it does not help.