How dare the BBC suggest that freedom of movement is up for discussion! The result of the referendum demands control or it isn't what the majority voted for.
Its funny isn't it? All this 'argument', this entrenched view we have.
We leave. The EU say no market access without free movement.
The leave side say that is a red line we wont accept.
This all equals a Brexit that is final. Call that whatever noun you care to choose.
Therefore it WILL be wto...
Apparently the claims are collapsing like bricks out of a badly built wall.
The trump presidency is going to be more than mildly interesting. Like a 'reality show'.
Why? They said what I would like to say anyway..........:rolleyes:
Anyhow we are so far apart with our views I really don't care what you think. :wave:
You talk like the EU came up with original laws for working conditions. :lolol: You confuse 'laws' for regulations. The main tenants of the EU are the problem not the periphery concern.
How the EU affects your life
For a thousand years the United Kingdom was free, independent and trading...
It's simple really. We control our immigration, we don't pay to a club that we don't belong to. Our laws are supreme (even if it means ratifying selected rulings emanating from the EU commission during our membership of the failed EU on the statute books)
Right then, now the red lines are drawn...
Soulman, they are just winding people up. They will argue the hind leg off a donkey with inane crap. At the same time they will display their pathetic abasement to the EU by licking the backside of a failed ideology. Now the boots on the other foot we could say the 'plebs' are revolting. Some...
A deal with Europe.
So we have the setting. A democratic mandate via the 23 June says exit.
Whatever the spin now it was obvious then that leaving meant control on immigration, out of the single market, no contributions (without good reason) and OUR law supremacy. Lets start with that. That is...