An Awful amount of of so called informed advice on that site is laughable. Believe me, from someone who DOES know just about everything there is to know about the subject, it's not as good as you think.
Can they go into the new season still in administration or is there a cut off date by which they have to prove they can remain solvent for a whole season?
Newhaven - the only town I know of where they built the town centre shopping area on a traffic island. It's called planning but not very good planning.
With all the posts last season about THAT chant I don't think he was on his own for wanting something that everybody would join in with. It's not accepted by everybody and it does sound 'borrowed'.
You can film whoever you want anywhere you want but if you are seriously considering filming a police officer your two main problems will be;
1. Finding a real police officer to film.
2. Boredom after the initial surprise at finding one.
I tried using my debit card last week and it wouldn't work. I phoned the bank and they said that there was nothing wrong with it. Tried it again and it still didn't work.
I cleared out my account yesterday via the internet..............
Banks have always tried to make out that chip and pin is theft / fraud proof but if that was the case they would refund money as quickly as they do.
It happened to me once and £400 pounds disappeared before I realised that my card had been stolen.
Is anybody still paying for credit card theft...