Leave him alone for Christ's sake. Isn't it lucky all of you are in jobs where any indiscretion isn't plastered over the gutter-press and NSC?
I'm not religious but there are some apposite lessons from the bible: "You hypocrite! First, remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see...
Was there in June (very hot). Stayed Hotel America (very central) through booking.com which was fine. Alcazar is impressive but a bit too rambling for me. Far better was the Casa De Pilatos which is smaller but very quiet and with courtyards and gardens. If, like me, you're of a certain age...
Fortunately, stats don't work like that. If you toss a coin twenty times and all of them are "heads", you are just as likely to have a "head" on the 21st toss as you are a "tail".
Be careful leaving a radiator disconnected when the temperature falls. "Zero" on the thermostat doesn't always mean "shut-off". It can mean "shut off until the temperature drops really low". I removed a radiator in a December and then left an empty unheated house I was renovating intending to...
Unless regulators pay as much as the banks for employees that are as smart as the banks' employees and in the same numbers, then they will never be able to regulate. Far better (and what actually happened after 2008) is to make the "clever" banks not dependent on Joe Public's bank account for...